Chapter 10

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My mind was like an amusement park, it was a poor analogy of what I was really thinking, but it was all I could think of, to sum up, the absolute despair I faced.

Carlisle waved his hand in my face, in an attempt to get my attention. He was successful, sure but for how long? 

"I think we should go with the advertisement" Carlisle suggested, we were supposed to find a marketing strategy to catch the attention of others,

"works for me," I said as I went back to my thoughts. I know I shouldn't be like this Carlisle for one didn't deserve my lack of attention,

especially for a grade we both shared. He sighed as he wrote it down at the top of the page, I looked over at him, examining his face for a second.

He looked like Nick in a way, that definitely did not help, but at the same time, he looked younger, with nice cheekbones and a pretty nose.

He raised his eyebrow as he turned to look at me, that's when I caught his eyes. A tint of a small shade of green. 

"What is it?" He asked, concerned. I smiled, finally giving him my attention. The least I could do was stop obsessing over Nick and pay attention.

"Sorry, I know I've been awol" I admitted, he chuckled his face lighting up with a smile.

"Don't worry, I understand" He said as he flipped the paper over to face me,

"That's what I have so far" He showed me, a graph showing the increased rate of sales after advertisement for a certain brand had changed into a more enthusiastic one.

"Looks good" I complimented. He smiled as he continued to do his research as did I, and for a while, Nick wasn't on my mind.

It felt good, to be released from that sense of disappointment I faced, every time I thought about him getting married.


"Juliet? Someone's here for you" An unfamiliar woman, an instructor I assume, informed me as she peaked her head into a classroom where I was doing my work.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I set down my things following her. Making it to the main office there stood Nick, he turned around as our eyes met.

I sighed walking over to him, I was so angry at him. He had some nerve showing up here. I was grateful but damn it I had to get over him.

"You won't answer my calls," he said as if I wasn't aware. 

"What do you want me to say? I have a life to get back to, and I'm sure you do too" I looked at him, referring to his lifestyle, married one perhaps.

"Lunch?" He asked, I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer. 

"Give me a minute" I answered walking away to collect my things. God I hated it here, I just wanted some peace and quiet and instead, I got this

I grabbed my belongings walking out the door Nick behind me, people stared snickering and whispering.

It wasn't new, but I wish it wasn't like this.

Sitting in his car, the familiar feeling washed over me. memories became clearer and clearer.

"I don't get it, Nick, why are you doing this?" I asked, it was anger and confusion. He was putting me through drama I didn't need to be in.

He stayed silent, which made me angrier. I had been stuck in this drama once again, this time it was about another girl.

I couldn't help but wonder how ironic this all played out, I was Vivian in this story whoever he was marrying was me and Nick, well he was the same character.

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