Chapter 8

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Upsetting as it was, it was inevitable. New York was  my home, and deep down it would always be, I'd be going back to L. A, 

Nicholas stood in front of me with a stern face as we waited at the airport. I was sure he had much better things to do, but furthermore, it was kind.

"I'm not 5 Nick, I can get on the plane myself" I joked but he seemed to occupied with something on his mind,

He had been off since this morning, but I didn't question it I'm sure he wouldn't have told me anyway.

"Thanks," I whispered just loud enough for him to hear, I was sad to leave especially from Nicholas. It's been years, we had a history of heartbreak, love, betrayal, and all of the above.

yet somehow we always came back.

My flight was called as I looked at Nicholas one last time, who had finally snapped out his daze and looked back at me.

"Call me when you land," He said almost in a hurry as he pulled me in for the last hug. It wasn't sincere, it was just- a hug.

There was no goodbye in it, or maybe an I'll miss you hug it was just a hug. It shouldn't have hurt me as much as it did but I couldn't help but feel like I had done something wrong.

I gave him a small smile, as I turned around to walk towards my gate. I could hear his footsteps get further and further. He was in a rush to leave as well,

Sighing I left, without looking back, he had as well I was sure of it. I'd be back. Hopefully.


"Your assignments will be posted, please shoot me an email if you have any questions. Class is dismissed" Ms. Rivera announced as she exited the class leaving the lecture room full of people of all different ages to their thoughts,

Including Juliet. 

She wasn't sure if she had even paid attention to anything on the first day back, all her mind could stir up was Nick. 

He seemed too distracted, so upset about something. Was he upset with her, or was it just her jumping to conclusions like she had everything. 

She sat in the lecture room gathering her thoughts as she wondered whatever it could be that was eating her up. 

"Excuse me?" An unfamiliar voice rang through her ears as she looked up to find a man who looked just about her age with his eyes furrowed.

"yea?" Juliet asked, he looked confused, 

"Is everything okay you've been sitting here a while?" He asked concerned as Juliet nodded her head gathering her things.

"yeah, yeah sorry," Juliet said as she got up brushing past him, she hadn't even realized how long she had been sitting there in the middle of the thoughts.

It was eating her alive, and if she didn't do something about it she doubted she'd be able to get through the rest of the day without going insane.

Luckily that was her last class of the day, but that didn't mean the endless torture of trying to figure out why Nick seemed so upset ended.

She would call him if it was that easy. What would she even say? It was all too hard for her to figure out right now all she needed to do was take a nice long nap and just forget her problems for a few hours.

Getting in her car she waited a few minutes, contemplating whether to go home and do what she planned or pick up her phone and call.

Sighing she fished out her phone, she hadn't checked her phone in hours so she had powered it off. Intently waiting for it to turn back on before she changed her mind,

As her phone screen lit up Juliet looked at it furrowing her eyebrows, 2 missed messages from Nick.

Unlocking her phone she read the two messages with her heart racing.

'We need to talk' and 'Call me' in bright letters.

What could this possibly be about, setting her phone down she started her car and began driving, there was no way in hell she was gonna call him in her college parking lot.

Her mind racing with questions, did something happen? Was he hurt? There were endless possibilities and not one of them could be good.

Reaching home she turned off her car and got out, heading inside her apartment building the pit in her stomach grew by the second. Pushing the elevator buttons aggressively she waited for the doors to open.

Getting impatient she huffed out in annoyance as the doors finally opened. She pressed the buttons to her floor her mind flooding with questions.

Finally, after a minute or two, the doors opened as she walked out grabbing her keys and unlocking the door walking in she dropped her belongings and fumbled with her phone looking for his contact.

Her breath hitched as she was anxiously worried about what this could be about. His contact finally popping up she froze.

Maybe she was overreacting, it wasn't new to her. Maybe it was just to clear some things up or maybe it was just as bad as she worried it was.

Either way, nothing would be known if she didn't call him.

Building up the courage, she pressed the call button and held the phone to her ear as it rang. 

"Juliet?" Nick's voice rang through the phone. 

"Nick? Is everything alright?" Juliet asked worried,

"yes, everything's fine. I just- can we meet for dinner?" He asked, 

"Nick- I can't just leave my classes just started"

"I'll come to you, tomorrow"

"No Nick, we just parted a few days ago don't bother. Is it really that urgent?" Juliet asked her mind racing with questions.

"I suppose I'll just tell you then,"

"I'm getting married"

And just like that, her heart dropped.

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