Chapter 28

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Nick unlocked the door to the guest bedroom, I had already curled up in the king-size bed draping the sheets over my head. I had stopped crying a few hours ago.

Nick had left me alone, knowing that was what I needed, and he was right. Truthfully he knew me better than anyone. Maybe even myself.

I felt the bed dip next to me. I was too tired to turn around and look at him, or even discuss this whole thing. I couldn't even think about the situation at hand, without crying.

He lifted the sheets off my head and pulled me closer spooning me. The fresh earthy musk scent of his overwhelmed me as his hands traveled to my waist.

"I booked us a flight to New York tomorrow, you'll miss a few days of college but it's up to you when you want to return" Nick whispered,

My heart fluttered, he knew, he always knew. It was the sweetest gesture.

I turned around to face him, he gave me a sad smile before pressing his lips to mine in a slow sweet way.

I knew I was being dramatic about the situation and that Nick didn't deserve my tantrums and anger but he took it anyway, he made it clear how much he cared and that was something I'd never forget.

"I love you" I whispered,

"I love you too my love" He replied in the same tone.


I watched my dad, hooked up to monitors and IVs and all kinds of machines that I didn't recognize. My mother's lifeless body sitting in the corner watching my father sleep.

She hadn't even realized my presence, she was so out of it. It was quite obvious she hadn't eaten in days and I was afraid she hadn't even stood up in hours. It was heartbreaking to see.

"Mom" I whispered, her eyes darted in my direction. She stood up almost immediately, but as she stood up she fell right back in her seat.

Her legs had gone numb from sitting all day.

Nick let go of my waist as I walked over to my mother helping her up, engulfing her in a hug. Her subtle sobs on my shoulder shattered me. I should've been here for her.

"Oh Juliet" She cried, squeezing me tighter, I couldn't even begin to imagine what she was going through at this moment. A few tears fell from my eyes as I looked behind her at my father.

"I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry for never calling, and not picking up, I'm sorry for abandoning you and dad, and for everything, I'm so sorry" I sobbed in my mother's arms. I should've been comforting her but I couldn't help it.

"It's okay dear, it's gonna be okay, he's gonna be fine and in a few weeks he'll be back home and all will be well" My mother's teary voice soothed, but even she knew that all she could say was empty lies to convince herself that it was getting better.

"Has he been sleeping all day?" I asked looking back at him.

"He woke up a few times, but he can't really stay up too long his body is exhausted" She replied sadly.

"What are the doctors saying?" I asked but she could barely look me in the eyes.

"He's... I don't know Juliet, they say he's fine but look at him for God's sake! He doesn't look fine, he doesn't sound fine, he can barely stay awake and those God awful drugs they keep him on tire him out even more" My mother sobbed,

"I'm sorry, I'm sure they're doing everything they can, why don't you come to get lunch with Nick and I, you look like you haven't eaten in days" I whispered

"No, no. I need to be here when he wakes, we only get to talk a few times a day and I can't let him wake up lonely" My mother insisted, and she was right. She needed to be here for him.

While I wish I could be as well, I needed to get her some real food.

My mother sat back down again, I sighed as I looked at Nick who gave me a sad smile.

"I'm gonna go get lunch for us okay?" I informed, my mother gave me the best smile she could before her face returned to the same saddened expression.

"Come on Nick" I whispered passing by him, he swiftly turned around pulling me aside.

"I can grab lunch for all of us baby if you need to stay with your father you can," He said wiping away loose tears from my cheeks.

"I need some air, I need to think I just can't look at her like this, in this state. I need this Nick" I wrapped my arms around Nick pressing my head against her shoulder.

He wrapped his arms around me holding me just a little tighter

"Okay, we'll do that, we can do whatever you need" He whispered as we pulled apart, intertwining our fingers.

I loved him, I really fucking loved this man.


We took a long walk, I told him everything, all the feelings I felt, what I wanted to do, what I should do. All the what-ifs, all the impossible scenarios, and he listened. He listened to every bit of my ramble.

And it was all I needed. I needed someone to listen to me today, just for a little. And like always, he was right there.

"We can stay in New York for however long you need Juliet, and when your father is better- which will happen, then we can return, and if you want we can bring your parents home for a few weeks for the holidays and just when you miss them okay?" He assured me, and at that moment I knew what I had wanted most.

"I love you" I whispered pressing my lips onto his, he was stunned at first but wrapped his hands around me and pulled me closer.

Happier chapter bc you guys deserve it, and only 2 more chapters left ahhhh that's so exciting I have some very sweet things planned for you all. Anyhow I love you all take care!

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