Chapter 23

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I watched Carlisle like a hawk. Every move, every uncomfortable shift because my mind still struggled to process that this was the man with who I attended college. This was the same man whom I cared so deeply for. 

"I'm just trying to protect you" Carlisle admitted. 

"Yeah, Right." Unbelievable

"Okay, we'll do it like that. I didn't want this life, the same life your boyfriend runs. I was born into it I didn't have a choice on who I wanted to be or what I wanted to do." Carlisle began his expression changed from soft to hard.

I noticed that from the beginning as he talked, each detail making an appearance with his expressions. 

I almost felt bad for him. 

"I ran away from my father when I turned 18. But by then I had already committed more crimes than all the inmates in a prison combined, but my dad- he was powerful. He had connections each time I ran he'd have someone bring me back" Carlisle explained.

"I'd get punished every single time I tried, it only got worse. Until Carlos found me after my last attempt at running away. He promised me a new life to protect me from my father but in return, I'd help him steal from Nicholas" 

"I helped him, and he enrolled me in college. He had me disappear for months before, almost making it seem like I had died. It was the only way my father would stop looking for me. When I heard Carlos was killed I was scared, helpless. Afraid they'd somehow find me. I needed to protect myself and I had no other option" 

"So you kidnapped me to use as leverage? To get Nick to help you out, right?" I confirmed peacing the story together.

"Look, you don't have to believe me but just believe I did what I had to do to live. I did what anyone would do in my situation. But that never changed the fact that I still have feelings for you Juliet and that might not mean anything to you now but please as one last act of kindness help me out and you'll never have to see me again" 

"Carlisle.." I wasn't even sure what to say. I didn't know whether to believe him or not, but if he was telling the truth, I owed him more than he was asking. 

No one deserves the hell he's been through. 

"Nick's going to walk through that door any minute and point a gun at me. You'll have to make your decision then."

"What happens if I don't-"

"I'll only shoot if he does" Carlisle replied. 

And on Que Nick walked in pointing a gun straight at Carlisle. My eyes widened, I had to do something fast but my mind couldn't process anything. 

"Think faster Juliet" Carlisle yelled pointing his gun at Nick. My eyes shifted from Nick to Carlisle, 

"Wait Nick" I breathed, his eyes twitched but shifted to mine. 

"Stay out of this Juliet," He said between gritted teeth his gun still pointed at Carlisle. 

"Wait Nick you have to hear me out!" I yelled as Carlisle glanced at me 

"He fucking sedated you and you're taking his side?" Nick asked angrily.

"Please just put the gun down" I begged. His face hardened as he stared at Carlisle with darkened eyes. 

In due time Nick put his gun down as Carlisle proceeded to do the same, his eyes never leaving Carlisle but I could see the few glances he threw to me. 

"I assume this is about your father," Nick says in a softer tone. 

"You know the things he's done to me" Carlisle replied, I guess they do have a longer history than I thought. 

"I'll never be free until I see him in a casket" Carlisle stated, my eyes darted to Carlisle, this was not what we agreed on?

Having his father killed? I couldn't even bring myself to think about the consequences of that. 

"Sounds like you problem Mr. Greene" Nick replied nonchalantly. 

"I'll do anything, you're the only one who can kill him without ending up in a casket yourself" Carlisle pleaded. I couldn't believe the situation I was caught in the middle of. 

"You stole from me," 

"I did it to get your attention. You'd never even glance at me if I hadn't, I needed an out" He stated.

"Wait Wait wait - you want to kill your own father?" I asked exasperated and dumbfounded, both Nick and Carlisle's eyes landed on mine. 

"Assassinate him more like," Carlisle said as if it made the situation any better. 

"On one condition." Nick finally answered, Carlisle's head shot up as if he had never seen this coming and truthfully neither had I.

"If I do this, I never want to see you again. That goes for Juliet as well" Nick said. My eye averted to his. 

"Wait. What? You don't speak for me"

"I'll do it" Carlisle replied, I looked at Carlisle almost betrayed. 

"Wait what?" 

"Juliet I've been running from this life for decades, I'd rather this than live in the shadows of my own life," He said, I looked away from him and back at Nick who was smirking.

The fucking dictator of my life. 


Shorter chapter, But I'm back! Will be posting more often love you all, take care! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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