Chapter 20

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"Today's the day!" Cassie said a little too excitedly, but who am I kidding, this was so exciting especially for her. 

Her Wedding Day. 

It came so fast, time flew by and here we were as I helped Cassie into her wedding dress. 

"I'm going to be married..." Cassie whispered to herself, I chuckled as I tied the back of her dress, letting the strings run loose. 

"Leo's gonna die" I whispered as she turned around to stare at herself in the mirror, tears began to form in my eyes. She was so beautiful it reminded me of my wedding day. 

I stared at myself the same way Cassie did. 

"Oh my gosh Juliet you can't cry- this is supposed to be happy" Cassie smiled wiping away the tears in my eyes engulfing me in a hug. 

"Okay, Okay enough, we still need to do your hair and makeup!" I announced as I began to get out my supplies, I knew my fair share of makeup and hair. 

Though I never did much on myself, I enjoyed it otherwise. 

Cassie didn't want anything extreme, she wanted to highlight her natural beauty. She wanted her hair in loose beach wave curls tied into a loose graceful bun at the back of her head. 

I was pretty good at that. 

Slowly I pulled loose strands of Cassie's hair curling them and tucking them into place as everything began to come together. She looked stunning.

I highlighted parts of her face, bringing her jawline out a little more and creating a more natural face shape. I applied a light coat of light red lipstick to help create the natural look. 

Cassie's freckles pulled the look together as I stepped away allowing herself to take the look in. 

"Oh. My. Gosh." Cassie boasted

"It's not that good Cassie" I laughed

"It's beautiful Juliet," Cassie whispered standing up engulfing me into a hug. I smiled, remembering every memory, every laugh and tear we shed as best friends. 

Now I got to be there for her on her best day. I was so proud of her, everything that had happened over the years, everything she knew, she was truly the luckiest girl I knew. 


I applied a light coat of lipstick and mascara as I leaned into the mirror touching up my appearance. The dress Cassie had made for me was matched perfectly with the makeup I chose to do. 

I curled my hair in light beach waves leaving it open, my black hair seemed to bring out my lighter features. I looked just like my mother. 

Now for the hard part, facing Nick... and Carlisle. 

But this wasn't about me and I sure wasn't going to ruin it for Cassie with my own drama, I had to be there for her and I wasn't gonna let this get in the way or distract me. 

There was still a while before it would be Cassie's turn to come out. Deciding it would be best to check on Leonardo and the guys to make sure everything was going smoothly. 

I could not afford to have any mess-ups. Today had to be perfect. 

Walking inside the room where all the guys were, as they attempted to put on their ties. I laughed at the scene. 

"You'd be much more useful if you'd actually help us then stand there laughing," Carter said, who was Leo's stepbrother. 

I rolled my eyes with a smirk adjusting his tie as I fixed it, around the corner stood Leo. In his hand was a piece of paper which I later identified as his vows. 

I smiled walking over. 

"Juliet?" He asked raising an eyebrow as he stuffed the paper in his dress pants. 

"What.. what are you- uh doing here? Isn't this like bad luck.." Leonardo asked nervously, he was a wreck. Today was definitely going to be a roller coaster. 

"Just checking" I replied, 

"And no, I think that only applies to the bride... but nice try" I smiled. 

"Is she okay? I mean she's been stressing over this wedding for months and I just don't want her to be like that today" Leo asked in a concerning voice. 

"She's fine, in fact, she's handling things a lot better than you" I laughed as he chuckled. I fixed his narrow tie stepping back to take in his suit. 

It was perfect, matched exactly with Cassie's dress. 

"You'll be fine Leo, don't stress it. It's a lot easier than it sounds" I smiled reassuringly.

"Is that how your wedding went?" He asked, genuinely curious. It was no shock I was previously married, Cassie must've mentioned something. No matter, I trusted Leo. 

My smile faded thinking about my own wedding.

"Well, I think my wedding didn't really have feelings involved so I can't tell you much in that field. But the food was great" I joked trying to stir the topic away.

Leo laughed as the other guys chuckled listening into my conversation. 

"Woah you're married?" Carter asked peering from around the corner. 

"Was married" I corrected, 

"So I have a chance?" He asked with a smirk I rolled my eyes jokingly,

"Not exactly" I answered knowing how terribly tempered Nick would be if I even spoke of my love life. 

"Damn, the pretty ones are always taken" Carter mumbled to himself, I chose not to correct him. It was probably better he thought I was taken than explaining to him my pyscho ex-husband was some mafia-involved criminal and would most likely shoot his brains out. 

That concept still didn't sit right with me. 

"Your out in an hour Leo, and the rest of you do not mess this up" I scolded. They all gave an 'ok' as everyone got in their places.

Walking back to Cassie I walked in the dressing room, to find her kneeled down in her wedding dress her head in her arms. I furrowed my eyes running over to her kneeling down. 

"Cassie? Hey! Is everything okay?" I asked, Cassie, poked her head up as tear stains became evident. 

"What if I ruin it? What if the food doesn't arrive? All the guests will starve! Or worse, they'll get super cranky and leave!" Cassie boasted. 

"Is this really about food?" I asked, knowing it was just a cover-up for her overthinking.

"What if we fall out of love? What if it's not perfect? What if I lose it in the middle and chicken out" Cassie whispered. I brought her face up to face me. 

"Fall out of love? Cassie you know that'll never happen, Leo's head over heels for you! The way he looks at you and talks about you it's almost like he doesn't believe he gets to marry you" I smiled as a small smile creeps up on her lips. 

"He talks about me?" 

"All the time" 


Hii guys, so I wanted to include all the wedding details in this chapter but decided it would be better to have its own and because this chapter took ages to come out so sorry about that. 

On the bright side exam season is over - kind of 

Anyhow, hope you liked this chapter, the next one will come out in the next two days since I know this one took forever so hopefully, that makes up for it. 


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