Bilingual flirting (Kiribaku)

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Class 1-A was in the common room for a weekly sleepover party. Bakugou wasn't really participating, poring over a beat-up old textbook while the others played Monopoly. Kirishima was curious what the loud blonde was looking at so he leaned back from where he was sitting and rested his head against Bakugou's knees to get his attention.
"Hey Bakugou, what're you studying?"
Bakugou gave him a friendly scowl and muttered
"German. Stupid language's kicking my ass."
Kirishima twisted around.
"You know German? Bro that's so cool! Say something!"
"I only know a little right now so no. I know a couple other languages though so I can say something in each of them."
Kirishima grinned. Half the class was looking over at them now, intrigued.
"Bakugou can speak other languages?" Kaminari said, astonished. "I would have thought he wouldn't have the patience to learn anything but English."
"What'd you say, Dunce Face!" Kirishima held Bakugou in place as Bakugou tried to explode Kaminari.
"Geez dude calm down, he was just stating an opinion."
"A dumb one."
"Whatever. Say something for us!"
"Tch. Fine, what do you want me to say."
Kirishima thought for a moment.
"Uhhhh... can you say 'so manly' in....whatever you want."
Bakugou snickered.
"Should've expected that I guess. Fine." Bakugou paused, cleared his throat and said
"Tak muzhestvenno."
The class oooed.
"What language was that?" Uraraka asked, hiding behind Tsuyu immediately afterwards. Bakugou sighed and crossed his arms.
"Russian. Anything else?"
Mina yelled from across the room.
"What are all of our nicknames in German? If you know enough that is!"
A vein in Bakugou's for head throbbed.
"Of course I know enough, Raccoon Eyes! Just watch!"
He pointed to each member of the class present in turn and barked out a word or two. Kirishima held in a laugh. German suited Bakugou- it was kinda guttural with a lot of "kh" sounds.
Todoroki- "halb und halb Arschloch"
Uraraka- "rosa Wangen"
Iida- "vier Augen"
Kaminari- "Dumkopf"
Mina- "Waschbärenaugen"
Sero- "Flaches Gesicht"
Momo- "Pferdeschwanz"
Shinsou, who'd wandered in a few minutes earlier and was currently trying to stop Kaminari from touching a loose battery to 'see if he could talk to it'- "Schlaflähmung"
Jirou- "Gitarrenmädchen"
Midoriya- "beschissener Nerd"
Last but not least he turned to Kirishima.
".....Süßes Haar. Can I be done now or do you damn extras want me to say anything else?"
Mina and Jirou looked at each other for less than a second, matching evil grins on their faces.
"Tell Kirishima he's manly!"
Bakugou sighed.
"Fine. Je'taime les cheveux des merde."
From the corner no one had noticed him in Aoyama let out the loudest snort they'd ever heard from him. When they looked over he was laughing his head off, actual tears in his eyes from mirth. Bakugou swore under his breath and took off back to his room while Aoyama continued cackling. Once Bakugou was gone the class rounded on Aoyama, curious to know why he'd laughed.
"You'll see, you'll see," was his only response. "Even the Big Bad Wolf has a soft spot for Red Riding Hood apparently."
Most of the class looked around in confusion but Kirishima flushed as red as his hair dye. Maybe someday he'll tell me what he said. He thought. In Japanese this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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