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Requested by Xie_WuXian over discord. Apparently inspired by the bit of Masquerade where Christine and Raoul are singing about their secret engagement and Raoul asks what they have to hide. Heaven Official's Blessing, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Skip Beat and Phantom of the Opera?! Xie_WuXian, you have some amazing tastes.

Masquerade! Paper faces on parade, masquerade. Hide your face so the world will never find you.

Never in his life had Tsuruga Ren identified with the set of lyrics less. True to form Director Lory had thrown a huge party for the end of the year. He must have invited half the film industry from how many people were there. Due to some recent developments with Kyoko Ren (or rather Kuon as Kyoko has begun to call him in private) was having a harder time than ever of staying in character as Tsuruga Ren, especially when the huge double doors opened to reveal Kyoko and the other Love Me girls in outfits of the same light pink color. The outfits themselves were different- Chiori was wearing a summery dress with a cream shawl, Kanae was wearing a pantsuit and Kyoko was wearing what could only be described as a ballgown- but they were all the exact same shade of rose pink. As they drew nearer Ren struggled not to laugh when he noticed that each one of them had a fabric rosette pinned to the left side of her top in the same hideously hot pink color as the Love Me uniform. The three girls instantly had the attention of every man in the room- and some of the women, too, Ren was surprised to notice. Well, he wasn't going to let anyone steal his kouhai away from him, and neither were the other girls' dates. In a move rehearsed many times during party practice (Lory insisted) Ren, Yashiro and Keith (an American writer Chiori had begun dating a few months prior) stepped forwards and bowed in the American style. The girls curtsied and extended their hands to be kissed. The boys obliged and straightened up, removing matching pink and gold bracelets from their suit pockets and sliding them onto their date's wrist. The girls removed their pink flowers, pinned them onto the boys' lapels and took the proffered arm and the ritual was complete. There was a smattering of applause as the greater number of party guests realized it was a performance of sorts before everyone returned to what they'd been doing before. Ren looked down to smile at Kyoko, who looked every bit the princess he knew her to be. Her hair had grown out long enough to be pulled back into an elegant bun, decorated with tiny white flowers and strings of white crystal beads. They stood out beautifully the natural black of her hair. Since today was also the day that actors shed their stage names for their true identities (another one of Lory's traditions) both Kuon and Kyoko were sporting their natural appearances. So far no one seemed to realize that "Ren" wasn't wearing the costume from a job earlier that day but revealing his true appearance to the world. Smiling serenely Kyoko led him onto the dance floor and they joined the crowd of people in a waltz. True to her personality Kyoko had eschewed a more suitable white crystal necklace for the one Kuon himself had given her, looped around her neck twice (instead of once) to shorten it to a better length. It actually looked quite nice with the dress she'd chosen, and Kuon leaned down to whisper exactly that into a crystal-hung ear. Kyoko turned red and smacked him lightly on the arm.
"Of course it does you dork, that's why I chose it!" Kuon grinned, unaware that most of the people on the dance floor were unabashedly staring at the charming couple. In his regal white attire (courtesy of Lory once he found out which dress Kyoko picked) Kuon looked every bit the handsome prince to Kyoko's dazzling princess. Soon enough it was that time of the party. Everyone gathered around an open space in the hall as Lory announced the annual Name Reveal and Relationship Statement Segment. Several actors revealed their true names, the most shocking of which was Angelina Katagiri revealing her real name to be Reiko Kurohana. Soon the segment was almost over and Lory launched into his prepared blurb.
"Now, ladies and gentlemen, you've had some shocks this year, as usual. However, the biggest is yet to come. May I now announce my dear friend, Tsuruga Ren!" With a reassuring pat to Kyoko's hand Kuon stepped forwards into the middle of the floor.
"Hello everyone. You all know me as Tsuruga Ren, or if you're close enough, Ren. That however is not my given name. A long time ago a dear friend died to save my life. I blamed myself and started a new life as Tsuruga Ren, leaving behind family and friends in America to come to Japan and start over. Yes, that's right." He said as murmurs rippled through the crowd. "I'm not Japanese. Only a quarter, actually. Many of you tonight have commented on how far I'll go to look the part of a role when you saw how I look. Well, you're not entirely wrong. I did change myself for my new role, but not how you think. You see, the Tsuruga Ren with the black hair and brown eyes couldn't be further from the truth. I stand before you now as I truly am. I stand here today as Kuon Hizuri, son of Kuu and Julie Hizuri." The murmurs were even louder now as people conversed in shock. "I'm not quite finished yet, I'm afraid." Kuon added with an amused smirk. "I'd like to introduce an amazing young lady I had the fortune to meet once again. Kyoko Mogami, would you join me on the floor?" Kyoko smiled and stood, making her way over like a delicate flower. She knew what was coming and couldn't wait to see the looks on everyone's faces.
"Kyoko here is a wonderful young lady I had the honor of meeting when she was six and I was ten on a visit to Japan. She thought I was a fairy prince named Corn and I'll admit I didn't dissuade her from that opinion." Laughter swelled and Kyoko felt herself blush. "We were only able to see each other for a few days before I had to return home, but I gave her a little blue stone and a promise that I'd see her again. I did, obviously, but that's not what I want to talk about. We met again four years ago when Kyoko was 16. She'd been betrayed by the one closest to her and lost the ability to love. At first we hated each other but as we learned more about each other and ourselves we became friends and soon enough I came to the realization that I loved her. After a series of misunderstandings that could have been solved much faster if we could have stopped over thinking everything and actually talked about them, we confessed and agreed not to begin a formal relationship due to how new her career was and the damage it could bring. Now, however, Kyoko has a fast-growing career and is known as the wonderful actress she is and we would like to make something very clear as I am rather jealous of my sweet little princess."
There was a collective gasp from the attendees, followed by an 'awwww' as Ren bent down to press a soft kiss to Kyoko's forehead. He faced the crowd again and they both held up their left hands to display matching rings.
"I'd like to formally introduce my fiancée, Ms. Kyoko Mogami, soon to be Kyoko Hizuri. Thank you." With that the pair bowed and returned to their seats as the partygoers erupted into chaos. The happy couple was bombarded with congratulations and questions for the rest of the night, but as Kuon thought to himself as he and a sleeping Kyoko were driven home by a very happy Yashiro (who Kanae had just proposed to), it was all worth it.
The media ate it up like candy and the next morning headlines all over Japan were announcing the "canonization of Reko." Video clips of Kuon's speech and Kanae's proposal went viral almost overnight. As Kuon stroked his sleeping fianceé's hair a snippet from a musical ran through his head and he smiled at how accurate it was to his feelings.

Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Say you'll save me from my solitude
Say you want me with you here, beside you
Anywhere you go, let me go too
Love me, that's all I ask of you


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