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Requested by long_walks_on_the_beach. (Deleted account) Jikook/Namjin/Yoonseok au (if I have time/patience for it, if not either jikook or namjin because doing multiple ships at once in a story takes actual energy and my depressed self doesn't have any to spare)(sighs heavily) oh well back to writing about real life people I guess. Dang this feels weird to write.

"And I wait for another spring day."
Jungkook finished quietly. He didn't notice the stares the rest of his group was sending his way, too absorbed in his own little world as he gazed out the window wistfully. He'd started singing to himself a few minutes ago and hadn't realized it yet. The others stared at him in amazement. Of course they knew what his voice sounded like, they heard it everyday, but today something was different about it. It had a different quality to it, more emotion. Jimin and Taehyung shared a look like, wtf-meaning-frick-because-bighit-says-no-swearing?
Namjoon and Seokjin just kinda did that kind of annoying "I called it" looks that friends do when you start dating someone they know you like. Despite there really bring no reason to, since all Jungkook had been doing was singing. Singing love songs. While gazing dreamily out the window and sighing dramatically every once in a while. Yeeaahh. No reason at all. Suddenly feeling the need to showcase their sharing of a single brain cell, Joonie and Jin started to quietly hum a certain song from the lion king. For those readers who don't know what song it is just from the context, they're humming "can you feel the love tonight." Again, one brain cell. Hoseok however simply smirked evilly and sat down next to Jungkook, placing an arm around the maknae's shoulders and effectively snapping him out of his trance.
"Sooooo, anyone in mind with that little concert, kookie?" He lowered his voice so the others couldn't hear and whispered,  "a certain pink-haired hyung perhaps?" Jungkook gave him a look and replied, "Jin and Jimin both have pink hair right now, Seokie."
Hoseok facepalmed and clarified exasperatedly.
"Jimin, idiot. Is he who you're singing about?"

"What? Why would you say that?  Jimin is my friend and I'm not even gay."
Hoseok just looked Jungkook in the eye for a few seconds. Eventually Jungkook sighed and looked away.
"I can't pull anything over on you, can I. Yes, I was singing with Jimin in mind."
Hoseok pumped his fist in the air and didn't bother keeping his voice down as he yelled "YES!!!! I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!!!"
Then he dropped back down and sling an arm around Jungkook's shoulders with a teasing grin.
"You know I'm gonna tease you about this forever,  right?"
Jungkook removed hoseok's arm as he smirked back and replied,
"Yeah, I wouldn't if I were you. Not if you want to keep your crush a secret."
Hoseok floundered, trying to play dumb.
"What so you mean? I don't like anyone what are you talking about?"
Jungkook gave him a look that just dripped "don't mess with me."
"I know you like Yoongi, dude. Don't even try to pretend you don't."
Hoseok grimaced before replying
"Okay yeah you got me. So, if neither of us has anything over the other that we can actually use without repercussions, what do we do?"
Kookie grinned. "We can help each other get our man, duh." Hobi grinned back.
"Sounds good to me. But we also have to get namjin confirmed, ok? I'm sick of watching those two stare at each other thinking that it'll never happen."
"Um,  I don't think we have to worry about that anymore hobi."
Hobi looked up sharply at that.
"What do you mean?"
Jungkook grabbed hobi's face and turned his head to look at what Jungkook had already noticed. One of the two in question (it wasn't clear which) had kissed the other and they were now engaged in a makeout  session for the ages as the other five looked on in surprise. Hobi squeezed his eyes shut and turned away, fake gagging.
"Ugh," he whined, "now I'm gonna need soap for my mind!"
Jungkook laughed.
"Pretty sure your mind needed cleaning anyway, hobi"
"While that may be true, it really wasn't needed, kookie!"
At that exact moment the teacher walked back in to release them from detention. She stopped in her tracks at the scene unfolding in front of her. Jimin and Taehyung trying to balance on Yoongi's back as he tried to do pushups, Hoseok and Jungkook sitting on a desk having a sissy fight and Namjoon and Jin making out in the corner. Without a word the teacher backed out of the room and down the hallway. There was no way she was walking into the middle of that.
The group didn't even notice, too busy with their various activities. They ended up staying in the detention room two hours longer than they needed to, but no one really cared (especially namjin, they couldn't care less)
Anyway, after they all left the school the group headed to a nearby cafe for a snack and coffee. Yoongi and Jimin took everyone's orders and went to place them, leaving the rest of the group to their own devices. Seconds later Hoseok turned to Jungkook and whispered
"I dare you to take Jimin aside when he gets back and then kiss him."
Jungkook glared at him and replied,
"That would be rude, so no."
"How about we have a game of truth or dare, guys?" Namjoon interjected, who totally hadn't been eavesdropping on Jungkook and Hoseok's conversation. Hobi and Kookie looked at each other and grinned.
"That's perfect."
A few minutes later Jimin and Yoongi returned with the drinks to find Namjoon laughing his head off as Hobi and Jin struggled to beat Jungkook at arm wrestling. At the same time. They were losing. Yoongi busted into giggles at Hobi's pitiful expression as Jimin just stood there and stared at the flexed muscle showing on Jungkook's arm as he easily held his ground against his two hyungs. (He's only using one arm, by the way. Jin and Hoseok are both pushing in the same direction) Jimin only looked away when he saw Namjoon raising an eyebrow on his direction. He quickly looked anywhere but Jungkook's musculature, nearly running into the table when he sat down next to Jungkook in the seat the bunny had saved him. Milliseconds after Jimin sat down Jungkook slammed Jin and Hobi's hands down to the table, causing poor Jiminie to jump with fright.
"Jungkook-ah," He said in an annoyed tone, "do you really have to be so golden all the time? You're making the rest of us look like wimps."
Jungkook's expression was somewhere between joy and repentance as he replied,
"I'm not trying to be golden, I just am. Is it my fault these stupidheads skip their workouts?"
"Then don't blame me for seeming golden when they aren't at the top of their game!"
Taehyung, Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon glanced at each other when Jungkook said this. Not a single one of them had skipped more than four workouts in the last three months. Jungkook however had skipped more than all of them combined.
"Suuuure, I guess that's not your fault Kookie. Now, scoot over, there's like two inches of space next to you and Jibooty's not going to fit." All six of the others burst out laughing.
"Y-you named your butt?" Yoongi wheezed, breaking from his usual bored persona with a huge smile on his face as he tried and failed to hold in his laughter. Jimin pouted cutely and responded
"What? It's better than calling it my butt or a**, don't would think? Besides it's better than the only nickname you can make out of Kookie's name."
5 out of the other 6 burst into laughter again upon realizing what Jimin meant, while the other, Jungkook, just sat there trying not to spontaneously combust from blushing too much. He wasn't sure if it was because of embarrassment or because Jimin had make a joke about, well, that- but his face matched Taehyung's old hair color.
" a-anyway," he manages to splutter, "we were about to play a game of truth or dare. You down?"
Jimin thought for a moment. A chance to be dared to kiss Jungkook? He was definitely down for that. And other truths or dares too of course, but mostly that one.
"Sounds great! Who's up first?"
Almost immediately Yoongi called out
"Jinnie-hyung, truth or dare?"
"Guess that answers that question," Namjoon muttered. Yoongi stuck his tongue out at him before continuing with his statement.
"Well? Truth or dare?"
Jin thought for a moment, then decided to go for the marginally safer option of truth.
"What is the goal behind this game?"
Jin sighed. "Dangit, he figured us out. We're trying to get you and Hobi to confess or kiss or something, and same thing with Jimin and Jungkook although something tells me from the level of blushing going on from those two I don't think they need too much more help."
True to his words, Jimin and Jungkook were now a matching set of beetred faces and embarrassed expressions.
"Okay, my turn," Jin chirped, completely ignoring the two tomatoes on the other side of the table.
"Suga, I'm sorry but I gotta do this. Kiss Hobi."
"But you never asked me truth or dare!" Suga protested as Hobi did his best not to melt into a puddle of happy embarrassment. Jin smirked. "This is the 'or' part of truth or dare. Now do it."
Yoongi opened his mouth to argue but shut it at a look from Namjoon. He paused for a moment, then grabbed Hoseok's collar and kissed him hard on the lips. A couple of the waitresses were heard squealing from the area of the cash register as Yoongi slowly pulled away, throwing a death glare at Jin, who smiled innocently.
Jin laughed, pretending he was surprised.
"I meant on the cheek, but you do you, bro."
Yoongi flushed bright red and stood up abruptly, taking off in the direction of the bathroom. Jin winked at Hoseok, who was just as red, seconds before Hoseok stood and followed Yoongi.
"Okay, since Yoongi ran off without taking his turn, I'll go," Namjoon said with a slightly bemused smile. "Jungkook, truth or dare?" Jungkook pretended to think about it for approximately 0.002 seconds before confidently replying "dare." Namjoon shared a look with Jin and made a face like 'well, dang, ok' before he spoke again.
"Considering the fiasco we just caused, there won't be any kissing dares for a bit, but how about this? Jungkook, I dare you to do 100 pushups with Jimin on your back."
Jungkook raised his eyebrows and made a noise of confirmation before  sliding out of the booth. As he squeezed between Jimin and the table, Jin and Namjoon pushed on the table, knocking it into Kookie's legs and caused him to lose his balance, falling backwards into Jimin's lap. (Yet again, one brain cell) Jimin squealed in surprise as Jungkook ended up sitting down rather heavily in the older boy's lap. Both if them flushed bright red, failing to notice the quick snapping sounds of the other boys taking pictures. Jungkook quickly stood up and got the rest of the way out of the booth, dropping to the floor and preparing to do the pushups. Jimin climbed onto his back without a word, lying flat along Jungkook's entire body. Well, part of it anyway, the pink-haired hyung was too short to cover Jubgkook completely. At Jin's command, Jungkook started doing pushups. The entire group gathered around to watch, and multiple phones were out recording the scene to send to the two later.  A couple minutes later Jungkook finished, only a little out of breath. He'd only really struggled on the last few, and Jimin was trying to hold in his squeals of happiness at getting to lay on Jungkook without the other members being weirded out. Yoongi and Hoseok had returned from the bathroom at this point so they continued the game. After a while they left to go to Namjoon's house to hang out without being in anyone's way, keeping the game going as they walked. Soon they reached the house, with Tae completing his dare of "sing the American national anthem as loud as possible" just as Namjoon turned the key in the lock. They all piled in, sprawling across the floor of the small apartment in a loose circle as Tae decided on a victim. An evil grin spreading across his face told the others he'd chosen a target.
"Jiminie! Truth- or- dare." He added pauses in between each word, causing  Jimin to become very worried about what was going to happen next.
As it turned out, he had every reason to be concerned, as Taehyung had decided to make him do a blind i.d. challenge with various objects and/or people. (Tae's words not mine)
Jimin sighed and allowed the blindfold to be tied around his head, blocking all vision and making his hair look weird too. As soon as it was on, the others started finding objects for Jimin to identify. After a couple minutes of hilarity, Namjoon noticed that Jungkook had fallen asleep sprawled out on the couch, worn out from all the pushups and excitement of the day. An idea appeared in Namjoon's mind and he quickly grabbed Jimin, who had just identified a pineapple, and guided him over to the couch. The others looked on, bemused, as Jimin ran his fingers over the first thing he felt- Jungkook's stomach. At first he started to move the wrong way (we all know what that means, right? Cause there's no way I'm explaining that)
But Suga called out, "Don't go that way, other way!" before anything could happen that Jimin would regret later. After about 15 seconds of moving his hands around Jungkook's torso Jimin finally found the younger boy's face. He ran his fingertips over the sharp jawline and cheekbones, pausing slightly when he got to Kookie's lips. He brought his head up and turned his head in the general direction of the other boys.
"Is this Jungkook?" He asked in a freaked-out tone. In answer, Namjoon stepped forward and hit Jungkook hard in the stomach with his elbow, causing the youngest to instantly wake up and curl his body in, which (of course) brought his and Jimin's lips crashing together due to how close Jimin had unintentionally gotten. The second Jungkook woke up enough to realize what was going on his eyes widened and he let out an adorably high-pitched squeak that had the 5 other boys rolling in silent laughter. Jimin's reaction was completely unexpected however. He pulled away when Jungkook squeaked and pulled off the blindfold. Instead of turning into a blushing gay mess like the others were expecting, though, he gently took Jungkook's cheek in one hand and slowly brought their lips back together, giving Jungkook plenty of time to pull away in case he didn't want to be kissed again. Jungkook stayed put though and closed his eyes, relaxing into the kiss. All five other boys immediately started fanboying, with Jin kissing Namjoon on the cheek before being grabbed and pulled into an actual kiss. Yoongi tapped Hobi on the shoulder, and the minute Hoseok turned his head to look at the shorter boy he was pulled down to Yoongi's level so Yoongi could kiss him. While the other six were all kissing (or making out in the case of Hobi and Yoongi) Tae just kinda stood there jumping up and down shouting words of encouragement and just fanboying like crazy. Although on the outside he was being crazy, on the inside he was essentially just screaming "FINALLY!!!!" over and over again. He really was the perfect supportive friend to the others and secretly thought of them as his gaybies, although he'd never say that out loud. As the kissing finally wound down, Taehyung smirked and said,
"For once, detention really paid off, didn't it."

-the end-

Hope you guys enjoyed this! It was--- interesting to write. The story was easy enough, it's just that I kept weirding myself out with the repeated realization that these are real people. That was the weirdest part, was writing about actual real life people who are not in a story. Anyway hope you enjoyed and have a good spring day I mean break! As per usual, requests can be made through dms, but I am opening it to comments as well. Thank you for reading!

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