Summer Assignment (1)

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Hey, guys. My English teacher gave me a couple of short story assignments over the summer. I really like what I've got so far so I'm going to put them on here so you guys can read them.

Number One: Write a short story (300 words or less) with a twist. Here goes!

He stared up at the man in the moon, wondering what he was thinking about. Any other day his smiling face would give him hope, cheer him up. Not today. Today, even the man in the moon seemed to leer down at him from thousands of miles away. He took a step forward, not noticing the drop until he hit the ground. The night air was cool as he lay there, knowing he was broken beyond repair. She'd broken his heart and although maybe with a steady hand it could be glued back together, the cracks would never disappear. He felt he was in pieces, and no one had the right glue. Dimly, as if from far down a long hallway, he heard someone shouting for him to stay, to hold on, help was on the way. He scoffed internally. They'd arrive late, they always did when it wasn't one of their own in peril. When they did get there they'd be utterly useless. He'd long ago given up all faith in the organization. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and let himself go. As the last feeble strands of his consciousness slipped away he heard someone shout
"We're losing him!" He laughed to himself mockingly. Of couse they were, the useless bums. As he faded from the world an image of the next day's headlines flashed through his mind and he couldn't help but chuckle. What a scandal it'd be.


What do you guys think? Took about half an hour to write the original and then another hour to revise it to fit the 300 word limit.

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