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chapter nine

Korei didn't want to get up, too comfortable to even think of moving

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Korei didn't want to get up, too comfortable to even think of moving. The shifting of the bed and the loss of warmth is what made her sit up. Her dark-green locks were tousled and messy, sticking up in random places from where Shinsou had secretly been running his fingers through it. A light flickered to life in the room, causing the boy she was with to curse under his breath about changing the light bulb. Golden-brown eyes narrowed into slits as she looked around for him. Why had he gotten out of bed?

"Did I wake you up?" He asked, his voice making Korei's heart do flips. One hand reached up to rub the sleep from her eye as the other fixed her shorts. They had hiked up her inner thighs, showing off the few bumps that she had. Korei nodded slowly, not fully awake as she remained sitting on the bed.

"It's okay, Shin-kun," she mumbled out, clearing her throat and reaching for the blankets. "What time is it?" Her voice was so quiet and soft that it made Shinsou feel physically weak. That could also have been from the aching muscles though. "Why did you get out of bed?"

"It's around ten, Saito." He watched her lay back down on the bed and snuggle into one of his pillows. Turning to face his closet, he tugged out a random shirt. Checking the size, he made sure that it would fit Korei so that she didn't have to sleep in the clothes she was wearing. "I'm gonna order some pizza."

"Yum." She wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying, her eyes shut as she tried to drift back into that dream from earlier. The one where Shinsou was her boyfriend. The purple-haired boy accidentally startled her awake, shaking her shoulder. "W-what?" Korei was panicked, looking up at Shinsou with wide eyes. Was he hurt? What did he need? 

"I picked out some comfy clothes to wear–" she loved the way he said 'comfy.' "–instead of those. Do you want to change into them now or after dinner?" They were having a late dinner. Korei would soon come to realize that Shinsou thought an early dinner meant eating at eight. Her grandmother would hate him. Korei normally ate dinner at five, and the only reason why that changed was because she didn't start getting home until eight. 

"Shinsou-san–" he wanted to correct her and be called 'Shin-kun' again. "–I'm not sure if I can fit into your clothes." He rolled his eyes at her, looking down at the clothes he had grabbed. The t-shirt was an old one from his father that he could never wear. It always looked too awkward on him, like it was swallowing him. The shorts were pretty big too, but they were also stretchy so he didn't even question if they'd fit her or not. He'd just have to get bigger, buffer, and stronger. If he wasn't so weak then maybe she wouldn't worry about not fitting into his clothes.

"You can wear them." He didn't even leave room for discussion. Laying the clothes on top of her, he turned around and walked out of his room. Korei felt like he was upset about something, but she wasn't sure what it was. Was she being rude? Had she said something?

Sighing, she got out of bed and grabbed the clothes. She could hear Shinsou ordering a pizza in the kitchen. Poking her head around the corner, she caught sight of him leaning against the counter. He glanced up at her, a slight wave sent her way as he spoke to the pizza person. She smiled and waved back before heading to the bathroom.

Shinsou hung up the phone, checking to make sure he had the money to pay for the food. He had ordered a pizza and nearly all of the desserts offered. Eating all of the sweets wouldn't be a problem for him. He could throw back all of it and not have a single issue. Korei, on the other hand, probably wouldn't really touch it. Sweets weren't her thing at the moment. Though she would develop a sweet tooth later on.

"The shirt's a bit long but–" she walked into the bedroom, her old clothes held in her hand as she continued talking. Shinsou wasn't paying attention, staring at her in the clothes that were pretty much his. She looked beautiful. "–I mean, I know it looks a little weird on me but I appreciate it!" Indigo eyes flickered up from her body to her face, his ears going pink and his mouth dry.

"Korei," she immediately shut her mouth when he said her first name. It made her stomach twist into knots. "You look," she prepared herself for the insult, tears welling in her eyes. Her bottom lip was bitten harshly to prevent herself from saying something. "Beautiful."

"W-what?" That was not what she was expecting. "R-really? Me? Beautiful?"

"Y-yeah," he nodded, casting his gaze down at the floor. He couldn't help but glance at her every few minutes. "You look nice. I like it." His hand wrapped around the back of his neck and he gave her a sheepish smile. Korei's heart skipped a beat and she felt the tears roll down her cheeks. "It's just a shirt and some shorts but you keep saying you look weird and stuff. I think you look...amazing."



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