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SERIOUS — mature-ish

chapter eighty-four

"So, what exactly does a condom do?" Korei asked softly, moving her hands about awkwardly

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"So, what exactly does a condom do?" Korei asked softly, moving her hands about awkwardly. Tsuichō, Kiho, and Uta listened as they walked with the chubby girl to their dorm building. The three had agreed that walking with her wouldn't hurt either of them.

"Oh, it's like a mask for the dick, ya know?" Uta asked, glancing down at Korei. She nudged her with her elbow, a teasing look on her face. "You really don't know?"

"N-no," Korei mumbled, shaking her head. "I mean, I understand that it's supposed to stop me from getting pregnant but like...what does it do? How does it prevent that?" Uta looked over at Kiho and Tsuichō, letting them know that she was sort of confused. She hasn't met anyone who honestly didn't know what a condom was and what it did. It's just common knowledge after a certain point, right? Anyone who went to public school should know what it is.

"Imagine this, alright?" Tsuichō began, stepping in front of the group to stop them from walking. He stood in front of Korei as he typed away on his phone. "You're about to sneeze, but you cover your mouth with your elbow so it doesn't shoot over anyone else. A condom prevents cum from shooting over anything else, got it? If you weren't using a condom then it's entirely possible that you could get pregnant because when sperm comes in contact with an egg, it could potentially fertilize it. I say potentially because it's not a surefire thing. Same with a condom. It's entirely possible that it'll break or something. That's why they make morning-after pills and other things." Korei nodded along as she listened to Tsuichō's explanation. She couldn't thank him enough for taking the time to do that.

"There's also abortion if you do end up getting pregnant," Kiho put out there, placing a comforting hand on Korei's shoulder. "It's one of the most controversial options, though. A plan b or morning-after pill is more acceptable."

"Yeah, because abortion is murder," Uta mumbled, shaking her head at Kiho. "Look, if you really don't want to risk getting pregnant, just don't have sex. I mean, abstinence is the best form of prevention. Also, don't you want to give your virginity to the person you end up marrying?"

"Like you can talk, Uta," Kiho rolled their eyes, scoffing when the girl glared at them. Korei bit her cheek in thought, shrugging. The idea of waiting for that was sort of boring. Korei didn't really care if she waited or not. She just really wanted to...have sex. She'd like if it was with Shinsou, simply because she wants to be with him for the rest of her life, but even if things fall apart between them...they'd always have a part of each other. Sh-she doesn't...want him to forget her so easily.

"I don't really care," she confessed, looking up at her three friends. "I honestly don't. Waiting until marriage sounds like it'd be kind of boring. I'd like to know what I'm doing before then, you know? Especially if my partner has already done it! I don't want to disappoint them! Plus, if I end up marrying Hitoshi then it'd just be even better because we'll know exactly what the other likes! Not that I'm treating Hitoshi as a practice run or anything...I just...really like him, you know? I don't know what else to give him if it's not my f-first time." Her cheeks tinged with a gentle pink but she continued talking. "We've done everything together, pretty much. What else would I do to prove that I'm serious about our relationship?"

"Promise rings could work," Tsuichō typed before shrugging and smiling at Korei. "But I support you completely, Saito. Do what makes you happy."

"Yeah, you've got our support," Kiho grinned, hugging her closer to their body. "If anything goes downhill, we'll be right here with you!"

"Same here," Uta nodded, giving Korei a thumbs up. "We've got your back." With that, the three piled in to hug the chubby girl as a large smile graced her lips.



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