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DOUBT — mature-ish

chapter forty-four

Shinsou hummed quietly, absentmindedly staring at the marks on Korei's skin

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Shinsou hummed quietly, absentmindedly staring at the marks on Korei's skin. He poked his finger at them, brushing her skirt up so he could trace the indentions. Korei was focused on the television screen, a tired look in her eyes. The curtains were drawn in the room, making her feel like it was later than it actually was. She just felt so bored. Shinsou's gaze flickered up from the marks, dancing over Korei's face before turning towards the movie. "Bored?" He asked, his voice rougher than usual because he hadn't talked.

"Not really," she mumbled back, her hand falling to rest on top of his. Shinsou could tell that she was lying. He hummed again, leaning closer to capture her lips in his. A slow and sensual make-out began, allowing Shinsou to massage Korei's sore skin.

After a few moments, he deepened the kiss and brought his fingertips closer to the area that scared Korei the most. She didn't want him to be grossed out! Quickly, her hand grasped onto his wrist and she broke away from the kiss. Shinsou raised an eyebrow, looking at her strangely. "Do you...not want me to touch you?"

"N-not tonight? I-i just wasn't pr-prepared...?" She stammered out, looking at him with this nervous glint in her eyes. Shinsou wasn't sure what she meant by that, brows furrowed as he thought back to any of their previous interactions. Was there a way of him telling her that he was horny or something? Did she know when he was in the mood for something? Was it only missing this time because they hadn't spent a lot of time together lately? Probably. "I'm just n-not...ready for you to...touch me there tonight..." She trailed off, slowly pushing his hand back towards his body. "B-but I'm happy to help you!"

"Korei..." His voice made her body shudder, legs squeezing together subconsciously. It felt really good when she did that. "Is something wrong?" He asked, looking directly into her eyes and brushing some hair out of her face. Korei blushed ferociously, nodding her head. Frowning, Shinsou sat up and paused the movie so she had his full attention. "What's going on?"

"Well," she mumbled, her cheeks glowing bright red. There was no way she was about to tell him about not shaving! Nor could she lie about her period because she literally wasn't wearing underwear! "I j-just don't want t-to b-be touched..." Her gaze flickered up to meet his, worried that he'd be upset or that he wouldn't understand. "It has nothing to do wi-with you or anything! I just don't want to do that today...? B-but like I said, I can still do stuff for you...!"

Shinsou stared at her blankly, gears in his mind working overtime. He was trying to figure out what was wrong with his girlfriend but she wouldn't tell him directly. Shuffling on the bed, he rolled over to turn his lamp on. The light reached only a certain distance out, increasing the darkness by the other side of the room. The purple-haired male looked down at his hands wondering if maybe they were too rough and didn't feel good on her skin, or maybe they were too soft and Korei didn't want to tell him? Hell, maybe she just didn't want his hands touching her! Was there someone else? Had someone else swooped in and stolen her from him while he was training? How can he come back from that?!

"Baby, what are you...doing?" Korei whispered, peering over his shoulder at his hands. They were so big and she loved them. "What's going on?" She smiled, reaching over to just barely graze her fingertips along the palm of his hand. Shinsou let her do that, tracing the outline of his hand with his eyes as she took a more direct approach.

"Korei...do you not like me anymore?" It was a simple question, justified in his mind by the amount of overthinking he had done. However, Korei felt like he was only thinking like that because of her telling him not to touch her tonight. Was she wrong for that? Should she have just...let him? It just wasn't something she really wanted to do without shaving!

"What? Of course, I still like you!" Korei exclaimed, tugging on his side to get him to roll over and face her. Once he had, those sleepless indigo eyes left her a melting puddle. "I love you, Hitoshi. There's no one else that I would rather be with."

"Not even Fatgum?" He asked softly, looking at her with that emotionless look on his face. He was trying to be more expressive, but he thought that he looked creepy when he smiled and such...so he didn't.

"Not even Fatgum," she smiled, reaching forward to brush some of his wild hair away from his ear. "You're the best person in my life...and I truly love you." For a moment, Shinsou believed her. He couldn't picture them ever being separated, but there was this feeling hidden deep inside that continued to gnaw at him. Something wasn't right.

Instead of letting him dwell on his thoughts as they cuddled, Korei placed her lips on his and initiated another slow make-out session. Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him into her, his hands roaming over her body as they enjoyed the other's embrace.



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