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chapter sixty-four

"Korei, you've got to be kidding me

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"Korei, you've got to be kidding me. You seriously didn't know that?" Shinsou asked over the phone, packing away some of his room decors. Living in a dorm on campus doesn't sound all that bad, plus, he could be with Korei whenever he wanted. Sure, there's probably a curfew and rules about co-ed rooms, but he wasn't one to care. "I could have helped you out with that one."

"I-i just didn't know, Hoshi! And Katsuō-san asked me if I had any questions," she pouted on her end, moving to take a seat on the train as it nearly emptied at the current stop. "It'd be embarrassing to ask you that! You'd make fun of me!"

Korei was currently on her way to pack up her room, having received a call from her Gran telling her that she was moving on campus. The idea of living at the school excited Korei, mainly because she didn't have to wake up so early to get to it! The one issue is that she was certain she and Shinsou couldn't hang out nearly as much anymore.

"Yeah, I would," he admitted, a smirk on his lips as his eyebrows furrowed in thought. He couldn't help but imagine how it would have gone if she had asked him. "We probably would have done something you'd regret."

"Oh, Hoshi," Korei sighed, shaking her head. "I'd never regret anything with you," she whispered to him, unknowingly making his heart race. After talking with him about the...blowjob experience, he apologized and agreed to not be so rough next time. Korei tried to explain that he wasn't necessarily rough, just inconsiderate, but he didn't really acknowledge that. "So, do you think the school food is good enough to become breakfast, lunch, and dinner?"

Shinsou chuckled on the other side, finding it oddly amusing how she changed the subject. He couldn't get enough of this girl! She was so...amazing! Every little thing she did was worthy of being recorded and plastered everywhere, but he was so thrilled to know that she wanted him to be the only one to witness it.

"It's not like we really have a choice, do we?" He joked, resuming his task as he listened to Korei agree with him.

"Yeah, not really. Hey! We're about to go through a-" her voice cracked through the speaker and Shinsou bit his lip in thought. "-love you, Hit-oshi!" He felt his cheeks heat up and he mumbled his response into the disconnected line.

Taking a moment to glance down at his phone, he realized just how few pictures he had of Korei. He had the one he saved for her contact photo which was of her sleeping on his chest, and he had one from their sushi date, as well as one from before they started dating. If he scrolled any further through his camera roll then he'd notice the one group picture from his middle school friends, he'd recognize that cute chubby green-haired girl standing in front of him and he'd feel like shit for not remembering her, but he didn't scroll any further. Instead, he sent Korei a text message before getting back to packing his room up.

'I love you too. Call me when u get to your house, okay?'
14:35 PM



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