Grown Ups 2

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Name: Matthew Lamonsoff

Age: 22

Birthday: December 25

Father: Eric Lamonsoff.

Occupation: A-List Actor with Lenny as his Agent.

Family: Hannah Lamonsoff (Wife), Christopher Lamonsoff (Son), Unborn Baby, Sally Lamonsoff (Step-mom), Donna Lamonsoff (Half Sister), Bean Lamonsoff (Half Brother), his Grandma, Marcus Higgins (Father-In-Law), Braden Higgins (Brother-In-Law)

Height: 6'1"



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Name: Alice Mackenzie

Age: 21

Birthday: February 14

Father: Rob Hilliard

Occupation: Pre-Med student, Waitress

Family: Adam (Husband), Gloria (Step-Mom), Jasmine (Half Sister), Amber (Half Sister), Bridget (Half Sister), Unborn Baby, Kurt Mackenzie (Father-In-Law Deanne (Mother-In-Law), Andre (Brother-In-Law), Charlotte (Sister-In-Law), Ronnie(Brother-In-Law)

Height: 5'5"



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Name: Hannah Lamonsoff

Age: 20

Birthday: July 4

Father: Marcus Higgins

Occupation: Model

Family: Matthew Lamonsoff (Husband), Christopher Lamonsoff (Son), Braden Higgins (Half Brother), Unborn Baby, Eric (Father-In-Law), Sally Lamonsoff (mother-in-law), Donna Lamonsoff (Sister-in-law), Bean Lamonsoff (Brother-in-law)

Height: 5'2"



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Name: Adam Mackenzie

Age: 18

Birthday: September 11

Father: Kurt Mackenzie

Occupation: Welder

Family: Alice (Wife), Unborn Baby,  Deanne (Mother), Andre (Brother), Charlotte (Sister), Ronnie (Brother), Rob (Father-In-Law), Gloria (Mother-In-Law), Jasmine (Sister-In-Law), Amber (Sister-In-Law), Bridget (Sister-In-Law)

Height: 5'10"



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Name: Christopher Lamonsoff

Parents: Matthew and Hannah

Age: 21 Months

Is walking and Running. Still Enjoys Peak-A-Boo

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