Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay

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Name: Matt Martin-Myers

Age: 21

Height: 6'1


Alias: Knight of Valor

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Alias: Knight of Valor


Occupation: College Student (Formerly) Belle Rev Inmate (Currently)

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Occupation: College Student (Formerly) Belle Rev Inmate (Currently)

Powers/Abilities: Hand to Hand Combat, Swordsmanship

Criminal Record: 30 Known Counts of Murder, Breaking and Entering, Torture, High Speed Chase, Resisting Arrest

Prison Sentence: Triple Life Sentence. Death Penalty in 10 years with no chance of parole

Backstory: While Matthew was in college he had a girlfriend. On one date they went for a walk when a gang stepped out of no where and held a gun to Matthew's head as they raped and then killed his girlfriend in front of him. The cops wound up not doing anything as the gang members that you identified had alibi's. So, he went online to find the public arrest records. He couldn't find the guys that he wanted to, but instead he found the address of other members of the gang. He then grabbed the sword that's been pass through his for generations with a legend about it being from Arthur's court. He also made an armor to cover himself so he could finish what he set out to start. He tracked down the gang members tortured for information and killed them. He eventually did get his revenge on the ones he was after. He then walked into the police station and surrendered himself to the police.

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