Young Justice: Wonder

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Name: Maticus "Mat" Prince

Alias: Wonder Man

Age: 16

Height: 5'11

Weight: 175 lbs.


Personality: Likes a good fight, fun, serious, hungry, a gentleman and a flirt

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Personality: Likes a good fight, fun, serious, hungry, a gentleman and a flirt

Powers/Abilities: Super Strength, Gliding, Lasso of Truth, Super Speed

Casual Attire:

Casual Attire:

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Backstory: Maticus is the younger brother of Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman

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Backstory: Maticus is the younger brother of Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman. He was born as the result of Hippolyta and Zeus hooking up again. He began his training at the age of 6. He also grew up on Themyscira, being the only man to ever live there. He then became Wonder Boy when he turned 15. 

Mentor: Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince (Older Sister)

Mentor: Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince (Older Sister)

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Love Interest: Sargent Marvel aka Faith Batson

Age: 16

Height: 5'9

Weight: 112 lbs.

Powers: SHAZAM


Personality: Kind, Caring, Tough, Energetic

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Personality: Kind, Caring, Tough, Energetic

Time as a Protegee: 3 months

Casual Attire:

Mentor: Captain Marvel aka Billy Batson (Younger Brother)

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Mentor: Captain Marvel aka Billy Batson (Younger Brother)

Mentor: Captain Marvel aka Billy Batson (Younger Brother)

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