Static Shock

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Name: Marvin Hanes

Age: 15

Height: 5'10


Personality: Lazy, Seemingly a Slacker, Avoids Trouble

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Personality: Lazy, Seemingly a Slacker, Avoids Trouble

Alias: Crawler

Bang Baby Powers: He turns into a blue demon with an opposable tail, and can teleport.

Bio: Marvin was born into a stable enough household with his mom being a nurse and his dad was a construction worker. He became friends with Virgil and Richie in the third grade. They have all been close sense. When Marvin finally started to notice girls he was immediately attracted to Sharon and Heather and couldn't decide who he liked better. He was also blinded by Lila Reyes like most other guys in the school he still liked Sharon and Heather more. On the night of the incident Marvin was trying to stop Virgil from doing something stupid with the gangs at the dock.

Ability Looks:

A.) First Version

) First Version

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B.) Upgraded Suit

) Upgraded Suit

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Friends: Virgil Hawkins/Static (Best Friend)

Friends: Virgil Hawkins/Static (Best Friend)

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Richie Foley/Gear (Best Fiend)

Richie Foley/Gear (Best Fiend)

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Love Interest(s):

Lila Reyes/Inferna

Age: 17

Bio: First generation American Lila is from a Brazilian Family. She was just naturally popular in school and caught the eyes of most guys. She wound up being hit by the blast that made bang babies while she was out on her evening run. She wound up with her naturally tan skin seeming a bit more orange rather than its usual brown, but it's not that noticeable. She was also able to intensify her body heat and shoot fire and fly.

 She was also able to intensify her body heat and shoot fire and fly

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Sara Sanders/Ringer (Into Crawler)

Age: 16

Bio: Sara has always been a bit more of a troubled teen. She was taking part in the gang war during the blast. She developed the ability to  entrap people in gold rings that she generates herself.

 She developed the ability to  entrap people in gold rings that she generates herself

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Maria Fredricks/Maiden Glacier (Into Crawler/Used to crush on Marvin)

Age: 16

Bio: Maria has always been a bit more of a troubled teen. She was taking part in the gang war during the blast. She can lower her body temperatures to freeze what she touches, including getting so cold that she can freeze the air to make an ice bridge.

 She can lower her body temperatures to freeze what she touches, including getting so cold that she can freeze the air to make an ice bridge

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Sharon Clark(Blonde) & Heather Holts(Brunette)

Age: Both are 15 and only two days different in age, with Heather being the older one.

Sharon and Heather have been the closest of friends since Pre-School. They are not Bang Babies. They also both wound up falling for Marvin at the same time and agreed to not make moves on him, but wait and see if he makes a move on either of them. They are also both horrified by Crawler.

 They are also both horrified by Crawler

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My Future Idea PossibilitiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora