Superman & Lois

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Name: Mac Kent

Age: 40

Height: 6'


Alias: Avenger

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Alias: Avenger

Powers/Abilities: Flight, Indestructible, Skilled hand to hand combatant, Super Strength

Occupation: Personal Trainer

Bio: Mac Kent is the biological son of John and Martha Kent. He was in the truck when Clark's ship crashed, but what no one noticed was some remnant dust particles of Krypton that was on the ship drifted in the wind and he inhaled it. The particles then infused with his blood stream giving him powers. Unlike his brother Mac can't breathe in space, shoot lasers, freeze things with his breath, or run at super speed. Although, he is just as indestructible and can fly just as fast he is only about 75% as strong. He started showing powers around the same time as Clark, and the Kent's were really unsure of how he gained his abilities, or why he only had some of the same abilities as Clark, but not all of them. After, high school he enlisted in the military. His parents pleaded with him not to as it was risky and were worried what would happen if people found out. After his 3rd tour of duty, his former platoon was all being hunted and killed by a terrorist cell that was able to find them, which was a shocker, as they were a special ops unit that did only the most classified missions. He made a costume and went after the whole organization, not just the cell that wanted revenge but  the whole operation. He was dubbed the Avenger by the press, or more specifically his future Sister-In-Law, Lois Lane. He kept on helping people as Avenger as he also worked as a freelance Personal Trainer. One day though he was flying over the Sonoran Desert when a rift opened in the air, and closed as soon as it opened. What was weird was that a girl appeared to be falling from no where. He flew to catch her. He saw the most beautiful woman ever, but what was odd is she was dressed in a superhero outfit somewhat similar to his brother's but darker. After he landed he set her down. She freaked out and explained, that her name was Karen Starr and she was the sole survivor of Krypton. After a few questions and some explaining, they got to an understanding that she was from an alternate earth with no way back. They then started dating. She stopped being a hero once she was on this new earth. With help from General Lane they got her a social security number and a new ID. They eventually got married and had a kid.


Wife: Karen Kent (Formerly Starr)

Age: 37

Height: 5'7

Height: 5'7

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