The girl next to me looked at them, then looked back down the hall we came from, wondering how they got here before us. I could tell her confusion through the link, and it wasn't making me any less confused. The two seemed to be enjoying our confusion, but were let down when I turned towards Midoriya.
"They, er... walked straight through the window. I'm really not sure how though," he admitted, looking just as confused as we were a second ago.

"Alright, all of you sit down. I'm starting homeroom," Aizawa told us as he entered the classroom. Everyone who wasn't sat down rushed to their seat, ready to start. "Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and results. Bakugo," he started, facing the blond boy who didn't look amused to be called out personally. "You're talented, so don't act like a kid."
"I know."

"And Midoriya," Aizawa continued, making the greenette stiffen up and look down. "You settled things by breaking your arm again, huh? You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do." Midoriya looked up, clearly glad that his teacher thinks he can do well.

"Finally, Hoshimiya, Kurenai, Chiyori, (Y/N)." I didn't expect to be brought into Aizawa's assessment, but I was interested in what he'd say, as were the others. "The footage I had access to included that of the monitor room. I understand you've worked together for years, but I think you should try integrating more with the class. The pairings of yesterday's teams weren't up to you, but it's good to have more than three other people that you can trust to have your back." He didn't wait for any response before he started on what other things he needed to talk about.

"Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you..." Aizawa started. I could practically feel everyone's anxiety over what the teacher would say next. "...decide on a class representative." The relief of the class was palpable, though the topic of discussion removed my interest. I had no interest of being class rep, though everyone else seemed to.

Voices of almost everyone in the class overlapped, and I was barely able to pick out who said anything, never mind figure out what they said. Of everyone, Mineta and Bakugo were among the most enthusiastic, with the former claiming that he'd make all girls' skirts end thirty centimetres above the knee, and the latter slamming his hand on the desk as he screamed, "Let me do it! Me!"

"Silence, please!" Iida yelled from the back of the class. "It's a job of serious responsibility of leading others. It's a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one." Good speech. He really got everyone's attention, though it would've meant more if he hadn't been acting in a way opposite to what his words said.
"Your hand is raised the highest!" was echoed around the room.

"We haven't known each other for that long, so how can we have trust or anything, kero?" came from the frog girl, Tsuyu Asui.
"If that's the case, and everyone votes for themselves..." Kirishima, a red haired boy, trailed.
"Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can be truest considered the most suitable person?" Iida explained, waving his arm around with every other word. "What do you think, Mr. Aizawa?" The teacher in question had crawled back inside his sleeping bag, and looked ready to sleep for a week.
"I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over," responded Aizawa, just before he fell to the floor on his side and started resting.
"Thank you very much!"

I turned towards the people I lived with, ready to ask something, but Eiji beat me to it.
"Any of you want my vote?" he asked, leaning back on his chair with his hands behind his head.
"Oh? I'd have thought you'd want to be class rep," Rin said, vocalising our thoughts. "Being able to boss people around seems like something you'd like."
"Ha, maybe if this was a normal school. Then I'd be able to lord it over my class," he replied, gaining a smile as he thought about it. He then shook his head. "But here? I'd only want to lord it over the really strong people, but me being class rep wouldn't mean anything to someone like Bakugo. So, votes? Anyone? (Y/N)?" he then asked, looking over to me. I shook my head, along with both Chiyori and Rin.

One wish can change the world //BNHA x Big Order male reader//[On Hold]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora