Chapter 31: Family Man

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Mark's POV

“What the hell that brat think.......ahh.” I heard Nancy screaming. It must be scary for her, to see me sitting in the dark with a bottle of whiskey.

I become a worse person when I drink and right now, I need to be a worse person.

“You scared me.” She scolded me and stopped to switches to on the lights.

Sometimes, her behaviour reminds me of Emily but one thing is for sure that she is not Emily. She's not even close to her.

Emily was sweet, sometimes mean like a teenage girl. Even though she was 24 at that time, yet she had that teen ego. It is an irony that I never noticed her, just slept with her and after her death, I felt responsible. When I knew what she felt for me, I should have stopped. But I kept messing with her and just like Abigail she fell pregnant. The only difference was that she spiked my drink and with Abigail, it was sudden news.

“How's the baby Rossi inside you?” I said. I have been drinking for hours, yet I feel like nothing. It didn't turn to be surprised. August used to drug me through drinks and as usual, I wasn't aware. I was a blind man, who trusted the wrong person just because we spent a lot of years together. Now, that he is gone, I am discovering everything he hid from me.

Many truths were revealed. I am remorseful for the Harrington family. The couple was trying to help the girls who were forced into prostitution and this was the reason, Gerard Harrington meet Beth for multiple time. But August showed me a different data and even killed Gerard.

Gerard's wife was generous and forgave us. She told us that the Harrington couple were always aware what they were doing. They wanted to help girls like Beth. So the death of Gerard wasn't a surprise to the family. Even Gerard was ready to die. That man deserves a tribute.

Mrs Harrington gave an idea and all she is doing is waiting for Beth to return home. But first, I need to handle Nancy Smith who is feeding lies to children.

“Soon, there will be a cute baby in my arms.” Nancy smiled. She looked excited and eager.

“Having a baby is a blessing.” I finished my whiskey. “You don't like Beth.”

“Is it a question or a statement?” She dares to ask me.

“It's a fact... Ms Smith.”

“Well, she took my Eli... Yet she's good.” She shrugged off.

“You hate her,” I said. “You hate her so much that you helped August,” I yelled at her.

My voice scared her. This is a good sign. It shows my dominance over her. I am the one who has power. It reflects the danger that I possess.

“You…you a…are. Drunk.” She stammered. “Please rest.”

“Yes, I am drunk and I will rest when you will tell me where is my wife and daughter.”

Realizing the reality, I could see her struggling to breathe. Her lips struggled to deliver her processed words. And like she always does, she tries to leave. But she couldn't.

The door was locked. It was an electric door.

“You are misunderstanding the situation.” She mumbled.

“Maybe... Just tell me where is my daughter?” I roared.

“I don't know.” She cried. “I want to leave.”

“You can. Leave. But first, my daughter.” I walked to her.

“Eli.....” She screamed and jumped to open the door. “Help.”

Looking at her condition, I laughed with satisfaction and opened the door for her. My body filled with joy to see her condition. She's unaware of what is waiting for her.

I hear her running all the way downstairs. Her crying filled the hall and her struggle to enter the children's room were futile.

“He is waiting for her.” Sarai's voice rang into my earphone. This vixen was ready to attack.

“Then get her,” I said and unlocked the main door.

Walking toward my children which also includes Eli as well as Suri, I remembered the day I held Savannah for the first time. I was just 18 years. Other called my Savannah as a mistake but I knew that my daughter will become my strength. I was right. She took me to Elizabeth. It was her who noticed missing Sylvia. My children are my life and Elizabeth is my sanity.

“Mark?” Eli rubbed her eyes and gave me a curious look. “You look sad.”

“I am sad... Princess.” I kissed her head and looked at the sleeping Sylvia who was snuggling with her. “Savvy will come soon.”

“I miss Savvy and your mommy.”

“She is brave,” Suri whispered and slept. I heard her snoring.

“Mommy loves you. But she hates Papa.” Eli sat on my lap and hugged me. “Papa is a bad person?”

What will I tell her?

“No one is bad. It's his job.” I kissed her and hummed Sylvia's song.

Watching her sleeping, it reminds me of Elizabeth. This clone of my wife looks beautiful and no words can define it. I wish if she could stay with us forever. As my daughter.

I slept with children while Sophia granted us our time. I was thankful to her. She has been with me like a mother.

“Dada.....” I heard Sylvia babbling.

Opening my eyes, I saw my son trying to hold a pen. It didn't take long to realize that my children were drawing at my face.

The look that Suri gave was incredible.

Smiling, I took the pen and drew at Suri's face and the whole morning, we drew at each other's face. Later, we bath, and I was preparing breakfast when Valerio joined us.

He looked tired and I could see traces of tears. This must be hard for him. Everything. And his condition is not helping him.

“According to her, Savannah was sent to 2 days back.....” He said avoiding the eye contact.

“Did you hurt Nancy?” I asked.

“No, our voices were enough to scare her.” He shrugged off and kissed my little Sylvia. Now, I see him as my competitor.


“Sarai..... Is she a doctor?”

“Nope, full-time nurse. That's how she found Elizabeth.”

“Does she kill?”

“Just give her the name.”

“Then, few people need to die.”

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