Weird parent

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Hello everyone!

Okay, first of all:

1. It just popped into my head and I was bored during the e-lesson.

2. I will only add something here if something comes into my mind again when I'm bored.

3. That's it, I hope you will like it.

4. Be grateful to the greatest FanficMasterPROs-sama!

5. They are shots without context in the beginning first of all.

6. Based on Light Novel sometimes like this one.(vol 7 btw)


Ayanokouji Kiyone's POV

I was just packing my books in my bag after today lessons.

"Hello Kiyone."

When I was just about to walk towards the door from the classroom to leave, but suddenly I heard Hirata calling my name.

The neighbor beside me, Horikita, paid no heed and after packing her belongings, left the classroom. However I can somehow sense the members of the Ayanokouji Group observing the situation.

'Why is a popular boy like Hirata talking with Ayanokouji and calling her first name?' Is probably what they're thinking. Haruka, in particular, is interested inthe circumstances of the other boys.

I don't have much time to talk now due to certain circumstances.


I asked with a typical poker face and monotonous tone and saw Hirata thinking about the question for a while.


Hirata looked a little nervous for a while and I saw him trying to build up his normal image by forming a warm smile on his face.

"Could you accompany me to Keyaki Mall for coffee today, please? I'll buy you your favorite coffee today. What do you think about this Kiyone?"

I don't have any plans in mind for today. Our group assemblies aren't mandatory either so that's good too. The stares from the group members are worrying but that's still trivial. Unfortunately, the first thing I have to do is to deal with a certain teacher

"Was it bad timing?" 

Since I didn't give an affirmative reply right away, Hirata anxiously asked me.

"Sorry, Hirata. Today is no good."

I hesitated a bit but in the end, I turned him down. The reason for that is because my shoulders are feeling stiff. From morning until the end of school, I've been feeling unpleasant the whole day at the stare I received from time to time. Even now as I'm talking with Hirata, that stare remains affixed on me. 

Chabashira-sensei stayed behind in the classroom after school ended. She's pretending to fill out paperwork but it's obvious she's been staring at me from time to time. Almost as though she wants to approach me. 

"I-I see. See you later then, Kiyone..."

 I feel bad for Hirata's disappointment but it's just bad luck. As though to see Hirata off, I walked out into the corridor to go back. And with this, the problem will be resolved...or rather, animmediate danger drew close right off the bat.

Ayanokouji as a female? - ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now