One- Taking an eye off is always fun

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a/n: That's Kaira Jones up there. What d'ya think? 

One- Taking an eye off is always fun

I sat in the driver's seat of my vehicle and reapplied a layer of lipstick. Thanks to the shitty humidity back in the warehouse, my makeup had almost slipped right off my face and even if I had used a generous amount of setting spray, it still would've just streaked down my neck. Now in the steady air conditioning, I quickly fixed my hair and face- careful to tame my frizzy locks by pinning it behind my ears. It wasn't like me to show up for a cargo destuffing looking like I've just run a 10k marathon. Uncle Jones prided himself in my prim and proper appearance, he always told me that what would throw men from their cockiness would be a well-dressed, confident woman. 

And I couldn't agree more. 

Happy with how I looked, I got out of the vehicle and made my way to the port. There, after issuing my identification I was let into the cargo area. Brawnes and Jacobs had arrived before I did, the latter making his way towards me- clipbook in hand. 

"Two more containers to go and then the Port Master would send these to the warehouse by eight am tomorrow," he said as he jotted down the container names and numbers. I raised my eyebrows, "Eight? We need them earlier than that,". 

Jacobs shrugged, "That's the earliest apparently,". 

I scanned the container yard for the potbellied Port Master and found him herding in the next shipment of firearms. Beside him stood his group of lackeys, jeering about like a bunch of uncivilized hooligans. On seeing me approach, a few of them braved a wolf whistle. The Port Master looked up from his schedule, grey eyebrows rising as he took me in, "Ms. Jones, to what do I owe the pleasure?", he asked before casting a glare at his men effectively shutting them up. I jerked my thumb towards the tower of containers that belonged to my uncle, "We need these in the warehouse by four am, the minister is coming over to inspect them,". 

The man's upper lip lifted in a leer, "Why would the man arrive so early?" he asked, impatience evident in his eyes although he kept most of his anger at bay. 

I pursed my lips, "That's none of your business Mr.Richards. You have a duty to Jones and so it's your responsibility to carry it out,". 

"My duty is to deliver these goods to the warehouse, and that's what I'd do,". 

"And before four am,". 

"Listen here girl," he seethed, stepping forward so that we were nose to nose, "I don't take orders from some piss poor assistant that happened to be a nineteen-year-old school girl," he spat, eyes clouded with barely concealed anger. I kept my expression neutral, "My age and gender is none of your concern, do your job and stick to your side of the line,"

The man spat, a slippery gob of saliva landing right in front of my feet. I hid the disgust that shuddered through my body and continued staring at him, my gaze unwavering.  

"Do as you're told Mr.Richards, I won't be asking twice," I kept my tone flat but the threat still carried through. Sensing the danger, his lackeys surrounded him forming a semi-circle of protection. I raised a brow, "Have I made myself clear?" I asked. Some of the men muttered colorful insults at me but I paid them no heed, keeping my attention solely fixed on the Port Master. He glared back at me, "Six am is the earliest. That's all we can do."

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