Sixty Three- The Queen of the Wicked

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Sixty Three- The Queen of the Wicked

He watched her as she stepped into his realm. The realm where it all had began, where she was conceived and her path to greatness was forged. The previous events that had unfolded mere seconds ago had left her hollow, her eyes dull- not even bothering enough to take in what his world had to offer her.

What her world was offering her.

"Follow me," he said as he led her through ruins of cities and temples that used to belong to the first Gods that walked on the earth. Now they were nothing but rubble, homes to the princes and demons that awaited their retribution and freedom. She didn't bother glancing at those who walked out from the shadows to get a better look at her- their ruler and Queen. The heir to the legacy his brothers and himself had built over aeons. Some bowed, the others stared at her with hope and yet she didn't give them a second look. She stared on ahead and followed him as he led her to his palace.

Granite towers greeted her as she crested the hill they had been climbing. The palace reminded her of the haunted castles in the books she had read. No life emitted from it save for the darkness that clung onto every crack and crevice like bugs caught in a spider web. Her father just walked in through the massive stone doors that opened soundlessly. Inside, the castle had a bluish white glow to it, baubles of blue light lit up the place but not enough to make it look bright and welcoming.

Instead it looked more sinister. Like the long road to hell.

She kept her gaze fixed on the twin thrones that sat elevated in the hall he had just led her to. Massive spiders skittered about and while that usually would've made her squirm she just stared at them blankly, almost as if seeing right through them.

More of the princes had gathered here and they cleared the path to the thrones that sat at the far end.

Every step was a step closer to the promise of pain and suffering. To the chaos that her blood craved but her heart detested. Each step towards her fate was a step away from him.

From the male she loved.

Even now, surrounded by wicked beings who preyed on the innocent- she still could picture the intensity of his hazel eyes full of kindness and compassion. The deep rumble of his voice as he spoke to her. His hands, scarred and beautiful. The dimple on his left cheek whenever she managed to make him smile at one of her jokes.

Her mate.

Her soul mate.

She forced herself to move forward. He was safe now and he definitely would have arrived on time to save Feyre and help Rhysand. All will be fine. They'll survive today and then find a way to defeat the Vlag once and for all with the help from Aelin, Rowan and Dorian.

They'll find a way to end the chaos.

They'll find a way to kill Orcus.

They will kill him.

"My loyal subjects," Orcus had begun speaking, addressing the crowd and steeling her towards them. She stood in front of the thrones now, her back to them as she was forced to stare at the princes who had gathered there.

"Today, your Queen has returned to you. She is not like her mother," there was pure distaste in his voice, "Unlike Maeve, my daughter here has accepted the conditions brought forward to her. She will lead the armies to attack Prythian and take over that world,"

Cheers arose from the crowd, arrogant and brutal making her want to claw at her ears.

Yet she stood straight, her eyes focused on the crowd.

She had made a deal. There was no way out of it.

But he was alive and that's what mattered.

Orcus's hand was hard on her shoulder as he gripped her tightly and pulled her closer, "I can feel the reluctance in your soul," he whispered to her, "Step out of line and I will make you regret it," he said before pulling away and turning towards a hunched figure in the corner.

"Today my daughter Morgayne will be crowned ruler of the Vlag and you, her loyal subjects will stand by her glorious rule for the aeons to come,"

Another cheer and this time she tuned it out. She will find a way out of this. She was her fae mother's daughter- there was always another way out and she will survive. Klaos had prepared her for this, he knew what was to come.

She was strong.

Her resolve building, she tuned back in to the situation at hand. Let them believe that she was on their side. She'll make them all pay.

The hunched figure moved forward. In their hands was a black tiara of obsidian diamond. She stilled, horror overwhelming her at what was to happen.


He was going to control her.

Orcus gave her a cruel smile as if reading her thoughts. He lifted the crown and brought it above her head before securely placing it on her.

He watched as both the strong resolve and horror dissipated from her eyes turning her irises into pools of darkness.

"All hail the Queen!"

His subjects responded with vigor. Chants thrown into the air like bullets. She seemed to forget how she ended here. She was their rightful Queen, she deserved their respect. She was going to conquer the worlds.

With a roar of agreement she threw her fist into the air. Easing herself into the chaos that unraveled.

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