Eighteen-Hips don't lie

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Eighteen-Hips don't lie

"You fight good," the spymaster said as we walked through the town square, "Who taught you to fight like that?" He asked as we took another turn.

I cracked a knuckle on my finger, "My uncle, he took me in after my parents died and taught me everything there is to know,"

"He taught you some of the Fae fighting methods, the back leg hook you pulled on Cassian was one of them,"

I shrugged, "Jacobs used to call that my WWE move,"

"Who's that?"

"Who? Jacobs? He's a friend,"

We remained quiet for sometime as we took another turn. The Fae as usual casted looks of awe and admiration at the spymaster, some of the females and males being bold enough to wink at him.

A pretty blonde waved at him and blew a kiss. The spymaster pretended like he didn't see it as he proceeded to fiddle with one of his blue gemstones. He caught me looking and I immediately turned ahead.

"It's a siphon," he said, "keeps our powers in control,"

I stared at a tendril of shadows as it danced across the pavement before disappearing, "Sounds cool," I said with a shrug.

"What's your uncle like?" He asked after a few seconds of silence. I kicked at a pebble in my path and watched as it skittered along the ground, "In simple terms, he's a mob boss- a man who works on the other side of the law,"

"And that is?"

"We usually deal with weapons, that works as our cover most of the time as well. Other than that it's establishing his empire all across the country, in addition to what we usually do he runs quite a number of casinos and pleasure houses,"

"And.... you work for him?" The spymaster looked disturbed.

I rolled my eyes, "Not in the pleasure houses you nut job, I'm his first in command- his lieutenant,"

The spymaster considered my words as we walked pass a series of shops that sold different types of charms. A lesser Fae female with blue antlers held out a necklace of beads that looked like fallen stars. I couldn't help but stop and stare. It was when the spymaster let out an impatient huff did I move to catch up with him.

The male and I remained quiet as we took another turn, Feyre had wanted me to get some attire suitable enough to blend in with the Illyrians. Right now we were making our way to the town to obtain some.

"And what does your job entail?" He asked.

"The usual, securing his business deals, planning and hosting most of his meetings with other crime lords and my favorite," I said a wicked smile playing on my lips, "Putting men in their place,"

"Far be it from me to assume that simple gardening and fancy dressing was your thing,"

I laughed, "it would've been but I lost my parents when I was young, my uncle took me in right after and he trained me to be his best,"

"I see,"

I pursed my lips, "it's not a pretty job but it's much better than the ones they offer at the pleasure houses,"

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