Fifty- So close yet so far

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Fifty- So close yet so far


Footsteps and then a hand on my shoulder before Azriel forcefully turned me towards him, "We need to talk Kaira,"

"About what exactly?" I asked choosing to irritate him hoping that he'd then leave me alone.

Azriel gritted his teeth, "You know what I'm talking about,"

I feigned ignorance, "Is it Mor? Her sudden anger towards me?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. Azriel sighed through his nostrils, "She found out about you and Eris and thanks to her terrible history with him, she wasn't too happy,"

I rolled my eyes, "Of course, somehow this is my fault as well,"

Azriel ignored my statement and stepped closer, "Kaira we need to discuss this,"

I shook my head, shrugging in the process, "Remind me what exactly we need to discuss," I said narrowing my eyes at him in the process.

A low growl left his lips as he pushed me against the bed post, my body slamming against it making my teeth rattle in the process. I matched his growl with one of my own, pushing him away from me in return. He didn't budge but it didn't stop me from reaching out to punch him in the jaw.

He angled his head back just as he grabbed my wrist and pinned it above my head, "Don't assume that this is exactly what I wanted as well. Being your mate was definitely not something I'm proud of,"

"Right back at you," I spat, "I rather be dead than be linked to you," Red hot fury burned within me and I could feel his fury, twin to mine- burn brightly within him as well. "How long have you known this for?" I asked as I struggled to remove my fist from his grip.

"At the slums, when I found you after you killed the Fae there," he said before letting out a gruff oomph when my knee connected with the inner part of his thigh. He used his other hand to grab my thigh, his fingers splaying against the material of my trousers before holding my leg in place.

I bared my teeth at him, "Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Because I didn't want to believe it," his voice was low, "I don't want this and I know that you don't as well,"

I nodded, being his mate was definitely not on my list. I rather scratch out my eyeballs or work at one of the pleasure houses than be linked to the Shadowsinger.

He dipped his head down, his nose brushing against mine and my line of thought shattered as I unconsciously leaned closer to him. The hand grabbing my thigh moved upwards, the tight grip never loosening- sending shivers down my entire body.

"But," Azriel breathed as he intertwined his fingers with mine, still holding my hand above my head and pinning it in place on the bedpost, "I won't deny the fact that I want you,"

I wanted you too.

It was as if he heard me. As if I had pulled him close and whispered the words to his ear. He pulled back by a fraction and I surprised the two of us by whimpering before turning it to a growl of irritation as I angled my head closer to his, our lips mere inches apart. "I hate you with every fiber in me," I breathed, my eyes never leaving his- conveying the sincerity behind my words. His gaze was as hard as mine, "Likewise," he murmured before pressing his lips down on mine.

It was like I had been torn apart and now was being sewn back together. I pulled him close, my free hand pulling him by the collar as I opened my mouth to him and angled my face closer and closer to his. Our tongues fought for dominance, a low growl bubbling up his throat before I succumbed to him and let him pull me under his thrall. This wasn't enough, no- I wanted more. More of him.

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