Nine- Broody Pants

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Nine- Broody Pants

"Any idea how long I'd have to stay with you guys?" I asked Feyre as she led me to my allocated room. I took in the marble walls of the penthouse an overwhelming awe and wonder clogging my steady line of thought as I marveled at the skillful architecture this place bore. Everything seemed carved right out of a story book. However, unlike the Spring Court mansion, this place seemed homely and warm.

"As long as it takes us to figure out how to get you back to your realm," the High Lady said shooting me an apologetic smile in the process, "don't worry though, your time in the Night Court won't be anything like your time in the Spring Court," she said, determination laced through her words.

I furrowed my eyebrows at a stone statue of a Fae as we walked by it, "What makes you say that?" I asked as I shot a glare at the piece of rock.

Feyre sighed, earning my full attention in the process, "I lived with Tamlin for sometime, I know what he's capable of,". There was a big history to that revelation, Tamlin was once close to her- a lover maybe although I couldn't fathom the idea of the stone cold High Lord of the Spring Court having any lovers. Besides, a female like Feyre is way out of his league.

Feyre giggled from beside me, "I must say I am quite pleased by the fact that you hold me with high regard,"

Her words brought me to an abrupt stop and Feyre halted beside me. Concern flicked in her eyes and she worried at her lower lip, "I'm sorry," she began sounding genuinely apologetic, "I didn't mean to intrude,"

"What? My thoughts?" I snapped, "oh yes I'm sorry, the urge to read an outsider's mind accidentally was an honest mistake" I was seething, anger burning through me at the second invasion for today. I had already made peace with the fact that some of the Fae could read minds but I was still struggling with the thought of having my innermost thoughts just bared out to those who sought them. This was way over the line.

I realized that I was towering over Feyre, leaning towards her like a viper ready to strike. The gun at my belt was loaded and ready. "You have no idea what I'm going through at the moment," my words were dripping with acid. Feyre was staring directly at me, her gaze soft just like Rhysand's was- as if she too sympathized with me.

She had no right.

Before I knew what was happening I found myself cornering Feyre to the wall, the High lady was rigid, her posture straight and gaze determined. The wrath I possessed left no room for any line of logical thought as my hand reached down to my gun. I was angry, so angry- and alone. Frustrated. Afraid.

Afraid that there was no way to return back home.

Afraid of betraying the last bit of family I had.

Afraid of being alone.

Before my fingers touched my gun, a blast of wind and shadows knocked me off my feet. My back slammed against the wall opposite to Feyre's.

The High Lady wasn't the one behind the attack. No it was the spymaster himself. My hand fell away from my gun as I looked up to find hazel eyes brimming with anger staring down at me. "You know I had this under control Azriel," Feyre said from behind him.

The spymaster still had me cornered, his body mere inches away from mine and although I was as pissed and bold on the outside, on the inside my nerve ends were going crazy at the proximity. "I know you did," he said, addressing Feyre although his gaze still bore down on me, pinning me in place. I glared right back.

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