Sixty Six- Banquet

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Sixty Six- Banquet

I stared at my reflection from the mirror as Freda combed through my hair. The constant usage of my powers had given it a bone white glow, according to father every time I used my powers my body was renewed. I watched as Freda braided some strands, humming softly while doing so. It was an odd tune, nothing like the bawdy music the Valg sang. It felt familiar but distant at the same time and my head hurt trying to figure out where I had heard it from. There was a constant buzz that didn't seem to ebb away even after Freda had given me some of her herbal concoctions.

I ignored the urge to massage my temple and instead kept my hands busy by sharpening my knives that sat on the vanity.

"You're awfully quiet," Freda said after another few beats of silence.

I shrugged, playing off the annoyance I felt towards her over not revealing father's plans and replacing it with mere boredom. I stared at her from the mirror, my eyes hooded and sleepy, "Just bored,"

She looked insulted for a second, no doubt thinking about the last few hours. It wasn't her fault that I wasn't as into it as she was, something always seemed off and pretending like I had my wits together took more effort than the feat itself. It's not that I didn't enjoy the intimate company of a woman, back in the mortal world I had my fair share of experiences with members of the same sex but now everything felt different.

As if there was something missing in me.

Although I had no idea as to what it was.

"Your father will be expecting you to be on your best behavior," she said, her face now pulled into formal solemness. I cracked a knuckle and huffed out an irritated breath of air, "He usually doesn't mind it when I don't,"

Freda met my gaze from the mirror, "I don't think today's guest would be too happy about you murdering one of the soldiers at the dinner table,"

I threw my hands up, "it happened only once!"

"I'm not too sure about you," she said narrowing her eyes at me before stepping back to admire her handiwork. "You look good," she said, her eyes soft again.

A part of me hated that look, it seemed to irritate me as if Freda's attentions weren't focused on me solely for who I was but for the power I held. There was greed in her eyes and something far more stronger than that.

A wave of nausea washed over me and I bit the inside of my cheek at an attempt to hold myself together. The buzz in my head increased and I couldn't help the wince that escaped my lips.

"Are you alright?" Freda said rushing up to me, eyes filled with concern. I nodded slightly, "Just the usual," I said before shaking off the pain and taking her hands in mine. Instead of focusing on the roaring in my skull I looked into her eyes instead. It was wrong of me to assume that she was using me, Freda was father's gift to me. A companion and lover. She meant everything to me.

I leaned in and lightly brushed my lips against hers, "I'll see you after the banquet," I said before making my way out of the room.

There were no guards at my side, both father and I knew very well that I didn't need them to defend myself in the case of an attack. The Valg now feared me, I had made my place here and they knew that I was to lead them to war against Prythian- wherever that was. Father had shown me maps of the land ruled by the different Fae lords. A king had ruled over all of them once, a king who had agreed to hand over Prythian to father in exchange of being his representative. Now with no king to rule Prythian it was all father's to rule.

That is if we emerge victorious.

Which we will.

I made my way down a flight of stairs before I got to the massive double doors of the banquet hall. I could already hear the guests milling about. Vlag princes and demons in numbers, all swathes of shadowed bodies dressed in our land's silver.

I fixed the gold chainmail of my dress. The color a bright contrast to the obsidian material underneath. Like my father I wore the colors of our kingdom, black and gold. My hair had been pulled back to reveal the gold necklace my father had gifted me at my coronation. I had forgone my crown and Freda had weaved in gold discs through the hair at my temples instead.

The double doors opened to reveal the revelry. Some of the Vlag stopped to bow at me while a few of the soldiers I was close to and trained with, shot me friendly grins and winks. I waved at a few of them before making my way towards father who was sitting at the throne. Curtseying before him, I made my way towards him.

"You look tired," I commented as I moved to give him a kiss on both cheeks. Father patted my hand absentmindedly, "it's just the planning and strategizing, we will be marching towards Prythian in a few days," he said before gesturing to the twin throne beside him, the one my mother used to sit on. "Sit," he said and I did.

"Why the banquet?" I asked getting to the point. I was still intrigued as to why he wanted to throw a banquet in my honor and I realized that trying to get information from other sources was futile.

Father raised an eyebrow at my bluntness, "you always want to get to the point don't you?" He asked giving me a sideways smile. I shrugged and was about to reply when the doors opened again and this time the Vlag fell into a collective silence.

"This is why," father said as he stood up and out of protocol, I followed- my gaze directed on the new guest that was approaching us. He was a mortal, that was the first thing I noticed. Tall, strongly built, pale blonde hair cut close to the head and striking green eyes. He walked with an air of authority around him, his gaze directed on my father. Once he reached us he gave us a shallow bow. I could see that father wasn't impressed with the lack of respect but for the sake of civility he kept his emotions intact. "Prince Delian, welcome to my realm," father said.

The Prince gave him a curt nod, "thank you for your hospitality your majesty," he sounded irritated and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at the stranger's behavior. And he had mentioned hospitality. Had he arrived here earlier than today? If so, why hadn't father told me about it?

Father turned his gaze to me, "Let me introduce you to my daughter Morgayne. The Queen of the Vlag and the general of our Armies," his gaze turned back to Prince Delian. The silence in the room seemed to stretch on as father spoke, his words cutting through the air.

"And now your wife to be,"

A Court of Shadows and Stars (Azriel Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें