"And Harsh you have no right to talk to him like that. This isn't your company alone so any decision that needs to be taken shall be taken by all of us after weighing the pros and cons." I snapped at him in an annoyed voice and he instantly closed his mouth, "That's it I guess. We'll continue this meeting day after tomorrow when both of you have your testosterone under control."

I pressed the Leave button of the video call and pushed my laptop screen halfway down before leaning back in my chair and expelling a big yawn as I stretched my arms.

Needless to say, the last two weeks had been absolutely chaotic. Starting a company wasn't as simple as I expected it to be. No less than a million certificates had to be signed, we had to get a valid PAN from the government and despite the relative ease for setting up a startup compared to a large business, it was stressful.

By the end of the first ten days my mind was shot and I realised I'd done little else than scurrying around the city to meet up with investors or catching up on homework.

Except a couple of texts, I hadn't even had time to talk to Vinay.

He'd been rather understanding about the entire situation though, going out of his way to help me and didn't bother me about working with Harsh except a couple of putrid glances towards him now and then.

Vinay got me breakfast everyday so I could catch up on my sleep after my late nights instead of cooking and he'd pick me up and drop me to the apartment so I didn't die of exhaustion walking to and from home.

Pushing back my chair, I got up and made my way to my closet. I retrieved Vinay's maroon hoodie that sat neatly folded one side, the one he'd brought for me to change into after Mrs. Pinto's accident.

Pulling the extraordinarily soft and warm fabric over my head, I inhaled deeply with a satisfied smile. Vinay's usual scent of washing powder mixed with that of old pages still lingered faintly.

I really missed talking to him endlessly. He was honestly a great listener when he wanted to be and it was one of the things I really loved about him.

I glanced at my watch briefly before making my way to the kitchen to cook myself dinner. It was late. Almost a quarter past ten but there wasn't much I could do about it. My life had pretty much been all over the place lately and I could only hope I'd fall back to my comfortable practiced routine.

Just as I set a steaming plate of steamed fillets soaked in milk on the table, the ringing of my phone in my bedroom interrupted my already late meal. Stuffing a large bite of the millet porridge into my mouth, I scurried towards my bedroom.

Vinay's name flashed on the caller ID.

My lips curled into a smile of their own accord as I received the call and pressed the phone against my ear, turning to go back to my millet bowl.

"Hi, What's up?" I greeted cheerfully, "I was just about to start eating my dinner."

A heard some shuffling from his side of the line before he spoke in a raspier voice than usual.

"Fuck ok, you must be tired." Vinay said, "It's fine, I just wanted to talk to you but I guess we can do that tomorrow. Sleep well, ok. Good night."

I frowned to myself.

"Wait, tell me what's wrong." I prodded.

"What makes you think something's wrong?" he chuckled but it sounded forced.

I felt like his voice sounded a little distant.

Then I heard the faint gurgling of a liquid in the background and narrowed my eyes. He was drinking.

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