what just happened?

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I know this is a question a lot of people are wondering so listen close.

-Bakugos' POV-
My world just stopped. What the hell just happened. He's gone. I drop to the ground and everyone starts backing away from me.

I can't do it! I lost him again! He- he left me again.

'we will miss you'

What the hell! why the fuck would his shitty ass father miss me!

I blow up.


And figuratively of course but I do that all the time so it wasn't something completely unexpected.

Everything within 10 metres (approximately 32 feet 10 inches) is completely destroyed. I blow up a couple times before I stand up. I can't be here. I go to probably the only place that will bring me any comfort right now. Izu's dorm. No-one stands in my way No-one says a word to me and honestly I think that's for the best. I probably would have blown up again if they tried.

I get to Izu's room and the second I close the door and breathe in his scent I start to cry. Like really cry. 

I don't know how long I'm crying for but by the time I run out of tears the sun has already begun to set. I decide to get up and have a shower so I can calm down before bed but when I walk into the bathroom I see something that makes my world stop all over again...

-izukus' POV-
I grab my father's hand and teleport me and my father to a small island used mostly to house criminals and people who can not be trusted with the use of their quirk. The way the island is designed no-one on the island can use their quirks at all. This place is like a fancy prison: gaurds and everything. You cannot get off this island. I know figuring a way to get back home may prove problematic but I needed to get my father somewhere he could never hurt anyone else ever again.

I start my journey. My father is unconcious but as you could have probably guessed I hate his guts so I just leave him there. It's going to be at least four days before I get to the edge of the island and who knows how long it will take to convince the gaurds to let me go home. I have my phone on me but another thing about this island is that you cannot send any signals in or out of the barrier.

-time skip-
It's been a couple hours and I'm starting to feel really sad. I miss Kachan I miss his scent, I miss his hugs, I miss his kisses, I miss his everything. I fall to the ground and I start crying. I'm scared. I'm alone, I'm hungry and I miss my alpha. I know I'm a class C omega and technically I don't need an alpha but- I really really want him. I just want to go home.

After maybe another hour I stop crying stand up and keep walking. Maybe 10 minutes later I walk past a place with some food. I get really excited. You see on this island you don't exactly 'sell' anything everything is given to you by the gaurds. If I can convince them maybe they will give me a lift back to the edge of the island. Maybe I can get home sooner!

I failed. They gave me some food but they wouldn't listen. After like a while I give up and keep walking. This is going to be a long few days.

-Kachans' POV-
I look at the object in my hands.
Deku... He's...


I don't believe it. I can't believe it.

'we will miss you'

He was taking about our pup.

I don't entirely remember what happened next but when I wake up I'm in a white room that looks an awful lot like a prison cell.

What the...

-Kiris' POV-
I don't know exactly why but Bakugo went completely feral. I was walking past Izukus' room when I heard what sounded like explosions. He was blowing up again. I wanted to go talk to him maybe help calm him down or at least tell him to go outside so he didn't destroy all of Izukus' stuff.

When I went in he was standing perfectly still blowing up every 20 second maybe. The explosions were much smaller this time only teaching a couple centimetres of his body. I tried to talk to him but he couldn't hear me. I waited until just after one of his explosions and ran up to him putting my arm in his shoulder. He turned around and he threw me to the ground and started growling.

I look at his eyes and his pupils are fully dilated. He probably doesn't know what's going on right now. Right now all he wants is to protect izuku. He'll probably be like this for a while and there is no way I will be able to stop him like this. I know you may not believe it but he holds back a lot. He doesn't actually want to hurt anyone normally. Right now though he doesn't know what he's doing. He's going all out.

I call the teachers for backup and they manage to restrain him and lock him in a semi dorm semi prison that they had just incase an alpha went feral like this. I hope he snaps out of it soon.

Hey guys chapter 1 of book 2. I made it extra long so I hope you like it. Shoutout to nina-ash for figuring out the clue in my last book. I may not update for a bit cause I'm kinda in some trouble at school because someone wants to bash me. That's it though. Bye guys. love you 😊😊😊

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