2 loving parents

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(with the heroes)
-aizawas POV-
We all turn to face the person who made the chuckling sound and to the suprise of everyone, especially me, it was Zashi.

Now I don't presume to know everything about my husband but I would of hoped to have at least some idea as to why he found anything in this situation humorous.

I believe he noticed everyone looking at him so he turned to face me began to speak...

"Sho, this is Izu we're taking about. You and I both know that there is no-one on earth who could hurt him. His quirk is more than enough to assure that. He WILL come home. And this. Sho, aren't you happy. We're going to have a grandkid. Izu is our son and he has a wonderful mate who is gonna do nothing but cherish him, and their pup."

God. He makes me feel so dumb at times. With Izukus quirk he's pretty much untouchable.

Then even more surprisingly bitch might agrees.

"He makes a fair point. That boy is an omega and typically omegas would die to protect their pups"

It does kind of irk me that he refuses to call Izuku by his name but everything is going to be fine.

And then he opens his mouth again.

"However he is still an omega. I doubt he's strong enough to truely stop someone if they wanted to hurt him. I don't know why you think his quirk will save him. He didn't even tell us , his teachers, he had it. It must be incredibly weak considering someone of his stature."

I swear everytime he opens his mouth he makes me want to kill him.

Just as I'm about to stand up and rip that egotistical sexist idiotic assholes poorly styled head from his shoulders Nezu decides it is his turn to speak. And midnight, cementos, and powerloader, decide that me and Zashi should be restrained.

"It seems you two had knowledge of young Midoriyas quirk. And still have more that we are not aware of. Would you care to enlighten us."


I practically growl out.

"He is MY son and his last name is aizawa."


Screw it. I used to tell myself that I wasn't one for sappy shit and here I am. These fuckwits think they can change me like that...

Cause they can.

God I just want this to be over so I can sleep.

Nezu clears his throat "Right, well then would you like to tell us about young Aizawas quirk."

He may have phrased that like a question but it wasn't. It was an order.

Being around Nezu it becomes clear that a large portion of the time he will phrase things like questions even though there is only one option you can take. Just so he can watch you suffer as you realise that you can't go against him. Fucking sadist.

"Izuku has a quirk. He wished for it to be kept a secret to prevent people from coming after him.
He has the ability to create any quirk in the world. And he can use them as he pleases."
Zashi once again for the win.

I don't know why but he seemed to be saying all the right things.

-mics POV-
I have been close with sho for a long time. Once you've known someone long enough you can just tell. I know this is pissing him off. All might, Nezu.

I know Nezu means well but I think sho is taking this a lot harder than he's letting on.

To be fair I am too

"I think that's enough for today"

-aizawas POV-
Yes. Yes it is. More than enough.

Zashi speaks again about yet another thing I had failed to think of...

"We should probably have a talk with Bakugo. About the whole thing you know. I mean they are both still quite young I would like to know what he was thinking and how we got here."

And then it hit me.

My fucking 15 year old son is pregnant.

Sup 2 days in a row. What. I know, crazy right. U know this one is a bit shorter than normal but I plan to make the next one longer. That one should be our in a couple of days. Love you guys😊 bye.

bakudeku omegaverse book 2Where stories live. Discover now