The fuck is going on?

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-Author's POV-











A lot of you might be asking what the fuck is going on.

So allow me too enlighten you
(Or set it up for you to be really mad at me. Who knows?)

48 hours earlier

-izus' POV-
I still kinda feel like shit after what happened earlier but Mandalay stopped by to visit.

We were talking and she brought up a subject that almost had me in tears again.

"Hey I was wondering... The father... Of your pup... Is he..."

What is she talking about.

Is Kacchan dead!


He can't be

Oh my god

Mandalay just said he was dead

Is it my fault


Holy shit I killed him

He's going to hate me

What if he doesn't want a pup

What if he doesn't find me in time

What if i lose my pup

He'll hate me for that too

I just want him back


Please kacchan i need you

-Mandalays POV-
Izuku was freaking out.

He kept repeating the name 'Kacchan' 

That must be his mate.

I probably shouldn't have brought it up.

As it is the repercussions of being away from your mate for so long is bad. For Alpha's being away from your mate can make you excessively angry and irritable or even make you go into a feral state. For omega's it makes them incredibly depressed and anxious.

Izuku is so young and I can't even imagine how much worse it must be because he's pregnant. Hormones and everything.

It's rotten luck that I have to leave now but there is a group of UA students doing a training camp and it starts tomorrow. I promised I'd help and I really am looking forward to seeing kota.

I turn my attention back to Izuku and i see that Amaris has managed to calm him down. He's sleeping now. At least I know I will be leaving him in capable hands.

"I have to go, I won't be back for a few weeks. I'm doing a training camp with UAs hero courses."

"Another one" Amaris replies "which class this time?"

(Author - !?!?!?!? Evil laugh)


-Katsukis' POV-
That was awkward and kinda terrifying.

Izu's dad's are kinda scary.

They came to find me after their stupid meeting ended cause they wanted to talk about you know their son being kinda pregnant. Let me tell you for two Pro Heroes they sure know how to threaten murder.

Right now I'm on the bus heading to the camp these fucking extras and Izu's dad and pa (Izu would lol me if i called them extras even if it's in my head and even if he isn't here now he would find out.) are forcing me to go to. I just hopei can beat the shit out of wine or those league of villains fuckers.

We're about 3 hours out when the bus stops.


We were dropped off the edge of the fucking cliff. Why the hell would they do that?

What the fuck so we do now?

We start making our way to the camp when a bunch of fucking rock misters show up.

What the fuck is going on?

Now please don't kill me.
I know it's been a month and I know I left it on another cliff hanger but I did that for three reasons.
One it's conference week at my school and I have a lot of stuff I should be doing other than this.
Two I am a chaotic spirit
Three people in the comments were complaining that I was taking to long and I left it on a cliffhanger so welcome to the petty side.
Sorry for everyone else but on the plus side it's not like anyone dies (except for you know several characters - shit spoilers)
Now that that's done

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