The Price of Fame Part 1

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Warning: This chapter and few chapters ahead contains explicit violence and sexual assault. If you can’t take it, please skip to the next case. I’ll let you know if the next case is published. 


Two urban-explorer was doing their usual activity, exploring abandoned place in early morning when they found an abandoned hut in the forest. They heard that abandoned hut was haunted because some person told them that they heard soft but clear groan when they were exploring the mountain. So two urban-explorer named Wen Haobao and Chao Wanglei decided to debunk the mystery by exploring that place while making a video for their channel on Youtube. 

They arrived in the forest that located between Dragon City and the Bei City, this tropical rain forest is actually a city divider, you can reach this city from Dragon City and Bei City. They parked their car on the road and decided to reach their destiny by walking, because first, they could do the talking to the video by walking and also they didn’t want to get their car dirty since it was raining last night and the big road to reach the hut was full of muds. 

“Two weeks ago, my friend Gu Xiaomeng visited this forest to film his youtube video, he loves nature and wanted to explore this forest, but then not far from the road inside this forest he found an abandoned hut, and suddenly heard a soft groan, like a women’s groan also seems like she got hurt but he was too scared to enter that abandoned hut since he is not into abandoned place and als what if it was a ghost?” Wei Haobao talked to the camera while his friend Chao Wanglei was holding the camera and filming “So we decided to explore this and debunk it because there is no such a ghost, everything can be explained guys…..” 

They arrived in the hut, even from a far, they could smell stink odor just like the smell of a carcass. They even needed to wear a mask to continue their exploration. They arrived in the front door and they could see a lot of big flies come and go inside the house meanwhile the smell was getting bad. 

“There must be animal carcass inside the house” Chao Wanglei said “The smell is so bad and do you see those flies?” 

“It could be, but if that is animal then it wouldn’t make a groan like in Xiaomeng’s video” Wei Haobao said “I could hear that so clear, it was women’s groan” 

“So, do you think that there’s dead body inside? That is impossible. Look at this hut, it must be abandoned for few years” Chao Wanglei pointed his camera around the outside of the house “The paint started to peel off, lots of cobwebs, also look at the floor, some part is mossy” 

“But it can’t be ghost too, so we should enter” Wei Haobao said and entered the house. It was unlocked and they went inside while holding camera also flashlight. 

In the inside, there was nothing but very huge bed made of all woods. They stopped when they saw not only one, but 3 suspicious things that covered by white dirty cloth, above that things, they saw so many flies gathered. 

“What is that?” Chao Wanglei asked his friend but his friend just shook his head “Let’s take a look!” 

“Okay” Wei Haobao approached the bed slowly and took a little peek inside that things but then suddenly he covered back those things with the cloth and turned his back toward his friend, his face was pale “Call the police” 

“Why?” Chao Wanglei frowned and then opened the cover only to found dead body on the bed, they both screamed and run outside the house. They dropped the camera but they didn’t care. All they wanted to do was run as far as possible. 

“Call the police, we dropped our camera there and if someone found that, they might suspects us as the killer!” Wei Haobao exclaimed. 

“Okay…. Okay…….” Chao Wanglei was shaking but he managed to call the police. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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