The Women in Brown Part 1

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For this chapter and the next chapter you will read as Shen Wei's POV.

Also this story contain violence, you know what to do...


"I was born into this world carrying a purpose and I will live for that purpose"

That sentence that I always remember when I started to question who I really am.  I am a person who believes that every individual born into this world has a specific purpose.  He will be born as a doctor, teacher, nurse, businessman, shopkeeper, architect, designer, and even a criminal.  If not, then what do we live for?  Some people say it's destiny, that's true, then what?  Did we choose who we want to be?  No. we just live our lives in this way.

When I was young, most teachers always asked me what I wanted to be I'm older.  Mine?  I wanted to be a doctor and then twenty years later I'm not a doctor, I am somebody else.  I chose to be somebody else.  That's a life, not always like we want it to be.  In the other case, lovers who are intoxicated with love will say thousands of philosophies about love, just like you are my destiny.  Later then they broke up and hate each other?  Is it a destiny?  No it's a life we ​​chose to break up not destined to break up.  To me, destiny is a sacred sentence that cannot be said just like that.  It's not that I don't believe destiny.  I do believe and I only have one destiny, death, the rest is life.  With life we ​​will have choices, you want to be a doctor, you're not smart enough to be a doctor, hey you can be something else that suits you better.  That's a choice in life, destiny doesn't have a choice.  With life choices, we can still enjoy our lives even if we don't want to.  So I prefer to use the word Life Choices rather than Destiny.

Like what happened to me.  My name is Shen Wei.  I am a typical person who thinks simple.  Like If you want to do it then do it, don't think too much.  Since childhood I felt that I was different from most other children.  I don't really like to socialize, but I love Riddle.  I still remember well when I was 6-8 years old, I made the garden in front of my house as an adventure.  Sometimes I make my garden a forest, a hill, or just a house, and everything I did it alone.  I love to play as a superhero character.  My mom made a costume for me, like a warrior with a sword, don't forget to mention my Lion doll as my ride.  Since I was a kid, I really want to be something like that.  I want to fight and protect the others.

The more I am alone, the more I think.  Many things came to mind, even imagining.  If you find a tool that can send what I imagined from the brain directly into the computer I think I will have lot of books.  To be honest it makes me sick a little bit.  But my imagination is my gateway door from this horrible world, also I created my own rule then.  Being a lonely person, thinking a lot and imagining makes me able to read situations better and can see all angles, even the smallest angles and can also make me think that in this world there are not only 2 variables X and Y. but there are many other variables  .

Since childhood, I chose a path that looked like a choice but actually it was not an option.  Like what you will do when you graduate from school, what you will major in college.  I had a choice but I decided not to choose, I took what they gave even I didn't like it.  Then I ended up being an Economic student.  It wasn't bad actually, I could see bright future.  Shortly after graduating from college and being unemployed then I realized that I had been taking the wrong path.  I was able to solve all the problems so far, heck yeah, I'm one of the smartest students since Elementary.  But I just felt it's not like me.  I want to be something different.  And the more often I imagine the more I know that this is not the choice I want.  I watched a lot of films and in my imagination the film also played but I was the main character, I was the hero in the film.

Even though I wasn't sure at first, in the end I applied to the police academy.  It was a decision that I regret, again. Everyone knows that my father is the deputy director of the Dragon City Police Department.  Many people think I got the privilege because of that.  I managed to graduate and decided to stay away from my father's shadow, I packed my thing and moved out.  I'm going to some place.  I need to figure out who I am and who I want to be.  After awhile, I know that I want to be something who can protect the other just like my imagination and just like every movie that I've watched.

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