Murder in Number Part 4 (End)

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Zhao Yunlan went out to smoke because he was not allowed to smoke in the SIU room.  Zhao Yunlan is indeed an active smoker.  He can spend 2 packs of cigarettes every day.  Zhao Yunlan walked while whistling but he suddenly stopped when he saw someone fainting and lying on the hallway.  Zhao Yunlan then approached the person.

"Shen Wei?" Zhao Yunlan was shocked when he saw the fainted person turned out to be Shen Wei.  He then tapped Shen Wei's cheek, tried to wake Shen Wei "Hey Shen Wei, wake up ... what's wrong with you?"

Because Shen Wei didn't wake up, Zhao Yunlan decided to carry him and took Shen Wei to the Infirmary. The nurse then examined Shen Wei and put an IV Drip in the hands of Shen Wei.

"What happened?" Zhao Yunlan asked

"He's fine, he just shocked" The nurse replied "He will wake up soon"

A few minutes later Shen Wei slowly opened his eyes.  His head still felt dizzy.  He saw his hand and sighed.  The message he received through his cellphone made Shen Wei very scared.  Especially at the end of the message the sender said that he would soon meet Shen Wei.  The thing that made Shen Wei more scared was the fact that Shen Wei didn't know who was chasing him all this time and why.  Well, Shen Wei knows why, because Shen Wei has that thing.  So why is that thing so important?  What's in that thing?  Shen Wei never saw the contents of that thing because he was afraid.  They can kill someone to get that thing, that means it's very important.

Zhao Yunlan saw Shen Wei open his eyes but Shen Wei was still pensive.  Actually Zhao Yunlan increasingly curious about what happened to Shen Wei and what Shen Wei hid.  This was not the first time Zhao Yunlan saw Shen Wei scared.  Zhao Yunlan tried to ignore Shen Wei but he always failed.  Even though Zhao Yunlan hated Shen Wei, he felt pity for Shen Wei.

"You are awake but you are still ignoring me" Zhao Yunlan exclaimed

"Eh" Shen Wei turned his head to his left side "You're here"

"Of course I’m here.  Who do you think brought you here?" Zhao Yunlan then leaned on his chair "Ah, I have to give up my time to smoke because of you"

"I'm sorry and thank you Zhao Yunlan ..."

"Look, actually I really want to ignore this but I'm really curious what actually happened to you?"

Of course, Shen Wei could not tell the truth to Zhao Yunlan.  He could not yet trust Zhao Yunlan.  This is an important and very dangerous problem.  But Zhao Yunlan was entitled to get an explanation, especially Zhao Yunlan had helped Shen Wei.

"I used to live in Dragon City but due to an incident, made me had to leave Dragon City and hide.  A group of people I don't know are trying to kill me. I hid in Bei City and they didn't bother me anymore. But ever since I returned to this city they started bothering me again"

"That's serious matter.  Have you ever reported this? "

"No." Shen Wei shook his head "I can't trust anyone"

"That's ridiculous" Zhao Yunlan chuckled "Then why are they chasing you?"

"I can't tell you, I'm sorry"

"Alright, so because they bother you again does that frighten you?" Shen Wei nodded "Are you afraid they will kill you?" Shen Wei nodded again "Everyone will die eventually"

"What do you mean?" Shen Wei asked

"I mean, why do you have to be afraid?  Everyone will die, whether it's killed, or sick or other causes.  If they really want something from you then they will certainly scare you by terrorizing you or something else.  And they did a great job"

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