chapter 1

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Riiiiiiiing riiiiiiiing went my alarm clock

Ugh will you shut up I yelled in frustration as I pressed the off button
It was a Monday so I started with my morning routine .I brushed my teeth ,showered ,put
As always my parents were absent leaving me home alone as I started with breakfast I started thinking about how my life turned into this
It wasn't always like this we were once poor compared to how stinking rich we are now

Oh where are my manners

My name is Jane West, I am an illegitimate child so naturally hated by my parents . after my mother got pregnant both their parents disowned them but my dad managed to scrape through college but couldn't find a job . We were poor and of course they took out their anger on me ,beating me ,abusing me and telling me I was the cause of their problems .So naturally I have very low self esteem

Until one day dad got a job ,a well paying one at that and the best part was that he worked in Italy and took his wife with him leaving me alone in this huge house .But I kinda like it at least they aren't here and my scars can get some space to heal .

After packing my lunch of 6 egg sandwiches and a huge helping of Indian fried rice and orange chicken I called my driver Kevin to come get me
I stepped out of my duplex -yeah my duplex cuz they have a separate mansion they stay in when they do visit their daughter and I mean the one they adopted Tiffany. She stays in a big mansion where our parents come around every month end and shower her with love and gifts
At least they send me money right ?
I thought to myself as I approached the garage were Kevin was waiting with my favourite Benz
The drive was silent and uneventful so I was happy when we pulled over in front of the school building

Bye Kevin. I said as I got out of the car

Have a good day he said and drove off

Walking through the hallways on the first day of school was such a pain I just want to get on with my life
So I go to the front desk and grab my schedule for the year and headed to class only stopping to great some teachers and receive greetings from other students. Yeah I'm pretty popular cuz I'm a teacher's favorite and everyone wants to get in my good book so I'll help them out during test season

Jane! Jane!! Jane!!!

I looked up to see the gang ,the friends that will help you hide the body
Ladies and gents meet Alice Baker my double ,Trina Park and Kitty Jenkins aka my bitches

They all piled on me so we all fell on the floor laughing our asses off earning a few stares but it was normal

Without even getting off of me Alice started
Omg Jane there's a new guy in our class and he is so cute

Yeah thats what you said about barney

Nah she isn't joking around Kitty defended

Yeah he's supes cute Trina added
Like make you wet with just a look cute

Yeah get you pregnant with just a look cute . Alice again

With that we all turned to look at her
I'm gonna name him junior she said patting her stomach
We all burst out laughing. There was never a dull moment with them

OK but I have to see myself before I agree and take care of my God son

At that moment the bell went off

Let's go so you'll see Alice said dragging me off so I shouted a goodbye to the other girls

As soon as we stepped into class my eyes did a quick scan of all the faces in class and I didn't find anything new so I made my way to my seat at the very front and middle of the classroom and there I saw it ........ I mean him

There was a freaking Greek god sitting next to my seat


A\N : so how was it *hides behind a pole or something*
Please no trolling or rage comments cuz I will block yo ass and cuz this is my first book anywhere and I'm an emotional Lil shit so enjoy comment and vote if your up for that

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