I remembered back when I was leaving the house for the military and I had packed all my bags into my car at the time and I looked back at the house hoping my mother would come out, apologize and welcome me back home.

When she didn't I reached for the door and I heard her yell wait from the door before drunkenly throwing another bag to the ground before wiping alcohol from her mouth.

She then walked in and slammed the door leaving me to deal with my tears.

She yelled just how this woman did. I turned around slowly to look at her a bit more and this time I really paid attention.

"You might want to buy you a nice cooling pillow to keep your temperature down." She says and I watch her hand go across her mouth as if it was a habit.

She smiles and tells me to have a good day walking off to another aisle as I sit there frozen unable to think straight.

Did I just run into my mom?




I walk back inside the apartment to see Liam on the couch watching TV and Harry in the fridge. When the door closed it caught their attention.

Harry looked over to me and he stands up quickly but hits his head on the top freezer door from excitement. I smile a bit before I feel Liam's presence tackle me and pick me up into a hug.

"Where were you?!" He nuzzles into my side as he shakes me back and forth until I felt Harry run to my other side hugging me as well as my feet hang off the ground.

When they finally put me down Harry reaches down to kiss me before I stop him.

"Wait! I have a cold." I say and then sniffle before remembering that I did possibly meet a woman that resembled my mother in the store.

"You have a cold? You get sick?" Harry asks puzzled.

"Duh, humans get sick." Liam rolls his eyes and Harry flicks him off.

"Yeah. I'm a human. I get sick too." I place the bags on the counter as Liam walks away to sit at the bar while Harry walks to my side.

"How did you get a cold?" He asks and I shrug not really knowing how to get a cold but knowing I just got it.

"Well are you feeling better from last night atleast?" I ask and I start to remember why I was crying and the woman in the store before I shook those thoughts away.

"Yeah. I was sad and you were a bitch like always." I say pulling out the cameras and pushing them towards Liam.

"Can you put these up? I have to take some meds that will make me drowsy. I should be okay by this afternoon." I say and he nods before picking them up.

"So I get to be a single body guard today." He murmurs before Harry stops my movements and forces me to look to him.

"Can we talk before you go into hibernation?" He asks. I look at him as see he seemed genuine and his usual asshat persona was dropped.

"Yeah. Give me a sec." I say and take the proper dosage and grab the pillow I got before making him follow me into the room. Not before I gave Liam my laptop and stuff.

I walk in the room to prepare the bed I never got to sleep in and Harry sits on his side.

"The Mansa Family is probably looking for us still so make sure the blinds stay closed and Liam doesn't leave while I'm sleep." I say and Harry groans.

"Niall can we talk about your mom?" He asks and I jump into bed after undressing before I look to him.

"What do you want to know?" I ask and he sighs.

"Why do you close her off in your mind?" He asks and I sigh.

"I don't need to think about the one person who was supposed to love me unconditionally, neglected me my entire life. I had all those years to be sad. Now I need to get over it." I say and Harry grabs my hand making me look up at him.

"I just don't understand how you will meditate, draw, and practice all these healthy coping mechanisms and you won't do the main thing you need help with." He says and I frown.

"What do you mean? I told you I'm working on it?" I say and he sighs.

"Niall, from experience, you can't heal from something you don't think about. You don't heal from something you don't talk about. You don't let yourself feel emotions so you bottle you everything from your childhood and suppress it. When you talk you sound like a robot and it scares me sometimes." He explains to me.

"But I had to be tough. I still have to be. You should understand better than anyone that my line of work isn't for the weak." I snap before yanking my hand away.

"Niall!" Harry snaps and I see the rage in his eyes. He sighs trying to calm down.

"When I kill someone I know I have to execute with no hesitation but I don't turn off my feelings. Do I feel bad about killing Safaa? Yes! Of course but I had to and yes like you said it's the job. But I have to feel and forgive myself because if not I'll end up like you!" He says and I felt my heart shatter.

"Being able to feel emotions isn't weak babe! It's what make you stronger." He says and I looked down with tears in my eyes. Harry doesn't hesitate to pull me into a hug and I start to silently cry on his shoulder.

"Just promise me you'll talk to me. Even if it's just something small. Stop suppressing your feelings. You'll drive yourself mad." He says rubbing my back.

"I promise." I croak out before I Harry rocked me straight to sleep. That lady wasn't lying. The medicine was powerful


Okay last Narry chapter.

Because shit is about to go down.

You might hate me but it's okay.

This book is already longer than any of my books.

Love and kisses ;)

Free Spirit // Narry AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt