𝖥𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗅𝖾, 𝖥𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍

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As the sun's rays pass through the glass window and directly unto Win's face, he groans and turns to the opposite direction - only a shot of pain makes him tweak. Bright noticing the grimace that Win's face is showing, rubs his hand on of the young man's butt cheek to at least soothe the pain. Win hums in satisfaction and continues to snuggle on Bright's chest.

"Good morning, babe," Bright whispers making Win snap his eyes open half-way to look up. "So beautiful."

"Thank you, teerak," Win responds. "How long have you been awake, baby?"

"Not long, maybe a couple minutes - but you look so peaceful in your sleep and I found myself just staring at you. You're so gorgeous, love."

Win smiles and nestles a little bit more to Bright making the older man chuckle lightly from the affection. Even though he wants to continue rolling and cuddling with his partner, it is time for their breakfast and he needs to make a proper meal. Leaving a soft and gentle peck on Win's lips, Bright moves out of the bed and goes to the kitchen.

It isn't much, but he can actually make a decent meal if he wants to - and besides, with Win's near disaster experience with the stove, he had been banned for good in the kitchen. Bright really doesn't mind preparing for his lover and he enjoys cooking nowadays. Since they started dating, it had been his task to feed both of them with whatever he can manage to whip up. Win, on the other hand, is thankful for the man's efforts and gobbles up everything that Bright's offer. Win never complains with the older man's cooking because he's good with it.

The older man starts to pre-heat the stove and slices a baguette that they have in the counter. After that, he dabs some minced garlic on both sides of the bread before setting it on a baking pan. As soon as the oven is ready, he pops it inside. While waiting for the bread, he makes their quesadilla with eggs and bacons. Diligently, Bright perfects the quesadilla that he makes and places it on a clean chopping board when done. The older man slices it into four equal parts - making sure to place it neatly on two plates. He takes out the bread from the oven and takes three pieces for Win's plates and the same goes to his plate. Afterwards, he makes two cups of coffee.

Feeling satisfied with his simple breakfast meal, Bright places everything on a tray and makes his way back into the bedroom. When inside, he places the same on the small table that they have by the balcony. Bright trudges his way back into the still sleeping Win and gently pecks on his forehead. Win notices the sweet kiss and opens his eyes completely with a wide smile on his face.

"Breakfast is ready, teerak," Bright announces. "I made quesadilla and some garlic bread."

"Hmm, that sounds good," Win approves with a hum before propping himself up. As the pain from his bottom makes him wince, Bright then grabs a throw pillow from their couch and puts it on the chair where Win usually sits. The young man smiles seeing his partner get panicky when he flinches, and at the same time - making him giddy inside. Win loves the simple show of doting that Bright has been doing ever since last night. Despite the fact that he really did enjoy their exercise, he can't match Bright's stamina - making him sort of pass out in the middle of doing it.

Win takes his seat and notices the book that he had been reading every time they eat breakfast. Bright plops himself on his own seat with a wide smile on his face. Both of them starts to indulge themselves with their little breakfast and non-stop chats about anything and everything. They talk about the proposal that Tay did from the night before, and how Bright already knew about it. Saying that he was the one who gave the idea of placing it inside the cake.

"Good thing he didn't swallow it," Win says and shakes his head. "Really, love? Don't tell me you're going to do the same thing to me?"

"No, I wouldn't because that means I'm just doing what someone else had already done, right?"

𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚 • 𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑊𝑖𝑛 (𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗱)Where stories live. Discover now