"It's okay I understand, I crossed the line too."

His reply was short and sweet leaving me confused. Maybe he just didn't feel like dealing with this topic at the moment.

Before I could continue the conversation Jamal yelled from upstairs notifying us that he was done in the tub. I got up from the sofa after telling Jeremy that I had it under control. When I got in the upstairs bathroom Jamal left water and soap bubbles on the floor with water still in the tub. I sighed bending down to pull up the drain.

"Jamal I thought I told you to start letting this water out?"

"Sorry mommy I forgot." He yelled from his bedroom.

This boy was going to have to learn to clean up after himself.

Once I was done cleaning up the bathroom I walked into Jamal's room to find him in a pair of boxers playing the game Roblex on his iPad wasting time.

"Jamal do you want to go to have fun today or not?" I asked while picking up a few toys from his bedroom floor.


"Then get up and get dressed or we're staying here for the day."

Without a second thought, he jumped up off of his bed running over to his dresser to find some clothes.

"And make sure your clothes match boy." I closed his door heading back downstairs.

Before I could make it to the staircase I caught Jeremy in Jayla's bedroom rocking her back and forth in his arms. I entered the room quietly so that he wouldn't notice my presence. Moments like this barely happened and when they did I never saw them. Jeremy hadn't quite built up a bond with Jayla yet I guess because she was still so young. Jeremy looked up catching a smile on my face while I was watching the two of them.

"She looked so beautiful laying in her crib, I had to pick her up." He whispered.

I chuckled, "the best time to hold her is when she's asleep."

He held back his laugh trying not to wake her up. We stood basking in her tiny face as Jamal busted into the room fully dressed.

"I'm ready!"

I quickly put my finger up to my mouth instructing him to hush. His face read confusion until he looked up into his father's arms before smiling.

"Jamal go get your bookbag together downstairs. Pick out some snacks to take with you too, your father and I will be down there in a minute."

He nodded his head before rushing out of the bedroom.

I could admit sometimes I missed times like this with my family, but being separated had its pros and cons and I was willing to accept the fact that things happen for a reason.

Owen's Perspective

My focus was on the television set in front of me as my fingers moved at a fast pace on the lime green controller. Though I wanted to give up because there was no chance of me actually winning the game my ego got the best of me. I was a competitive man by nature. Andre shouted out unnecessary bullshit still receiving more points than me. When the game was over I threw down the controller laying back on the couch to cool down.

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