Chapter 10: I didn't know

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Bruce Pov

I didn't know he felt that way.

I didn't think he felt that way.

I was certain he didn't feel that way. I thought he was straight. I thought he only thought of me as his best friend.

But no, he's gay. And he liked me back. And now he broke my heart.

But I deserved it. I know I did. I ignored him, and hurt him, so he just gave me a taste of my own medicine. And it hurt. A lot.

I stood there in the bathroom, my face in my hands. I felt terrible, awful, like trash. I really messed up, and I wasn't sure what to do...

I heard the door open, and looked up to see Paul. I looked away, hiding my face in my hands. He sighed.

"Bruce, please look at me." Paul pleaded. I lifted up my head, and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"I'm such an idiot!"

"Yeah.. I mean you kinda are-" I interrupted Paul with my cries, sobbing hard against him, hiding my face in his shoulder.

"He won't even forgive me! He's right, I am a bitch!" I cried, hugging Paul even tighter. "I just thought he didn't like me and I didn't wanna hear him reject me so I ignored him and now he's on a plane back to his house and he hates me!-"

"Hey, hey, you're overreacting." Paul said, prying me off of him. "But you did really mess up."

"I know!" I wailed. "And he'll-"

"He's going to forgive you!" Paul snapped at me, which made me shut up. "Look, you fucked up. Bad. But if you maybe talk about what ever happened with you two, which I barely even know other than Eric screaming at the lobby that you and him did things- that's besides the point. But just talk with him, okay?"

"I... okay..." I sighed, my eyes welling up with tears again. I wiped the tears away with my sleeve.l, sniffling.

"But really, what did you two do?" Paul asked. I felt my face turn bright pink, and my eyes widened. I know Eric and I did stuff... but I wasn't sure what exactly.

"I-uhm... I don't really know. I can't even remember because I think I was wasted...Eric I think remembers some stuff so-"

"Which is why you should go talk to him! You won't figure out what really went on until you two discuss and figure it out!" Paul insisted. I sighed.

"I guess. But.. what if he hates-"

"Bruce Kulick he doesn't hate you! He's probably just aggravated that you've been pushing him away. Now c'mon, let's go to the airport and try to catch up with him before he takes a flight home."

"Mhm.." I mumbled. Paul and I walked out of the bathroom, and to Gene, who was holding all of our stuff in one place.

"Are we ready to go?"

"Yep." Paul nodded, as I nodded and quietly stared at the floor. The three of us walked to the limo that awaited us, and got inside. I looked next to me, where Eric would usually be, between me and the door... He would be next to me right now if I wasn't such an idiot. We would probably be joking around, or making up some dumb game that only the two of us would understand. Maybe I'd even have my arm wrapped around him, and he'd press himself against my side...I miss him.

I could hear Paul and Gene talking to each other while I remained quiet, staring out the window since there's nothing else to do besides being upset about Eric hating me.

I wish I knew he loved me in the first place... Because I would have told him I loved him back...

Radar For Love - Eric Carr x Bruce KulickWhere stories live. Discover now