Chapter 2: Limo

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Current Time

I was packing up my things, getting ready for the next concert. It had been about two years since Bruce joined the band, and things had become very different.

Well for one, we released two albums! Asylum, and the newest, Crazy Nights. I'd say they're both pretty good albums. And we were now on tour for Crazy Nights.

And another thing, over the last two years, I realized that Bruce... Well... I kinda developed a huge crush on him.

But, c'mon, could you blame me? Bruce was really nice to me, and he's kinda.. really hot. I've never met someone like him before, and I just... He's amazing. He really is. He's everything I want in a man.

But, he'd never like me! He's obviously not gay, so there's not really a point in trying to ask him out when he'd reject me. So I should just keep quiet. I'll get over my crush in the meantime, right?

I finished packing my stuff, and walked out of my hotel room. Gene was standing in the hall, slowly getting his things together.

"Hi Gene!" I smiled, bags in hand.

"Hey Eric." He says, before letting out a loud yawn and stretching his arms. "What's... up?"

"Just finished packing." I said, before glancing down at his bags. "Looks like you finished packing too."

"Yep. And as soon as we get on that plane, I'm falling asleep."

"Yeah, I figured. You look really tired." I chuckled. He nodded, before yawning again.

"I'm exhausted, Eric. C'mon now, let's go..."

"How about Bruce? Is he downstairs yet?" I asked, and he smirked. I knew what he was about to do-

"Your precious Brucie is fine. He woke me up cause he called me from the lobby so he could tell me to wake up." I felt a blush form across my face, and I crossed my arms.

"Shut up... I was just curious." As you could probably tell, Gene is aware of my crush on Bruce. And he just loves to tease me for it.

"Mhm... when are you gonna tell him?" He asked.

"Never." I shook my head. He frowned.

"C'mon, I have a feeling he likes you back-" He nudged my shoulder. I shook my head again.

"And I have a feeling he doesn't." I sighed. "Anyway, c'mon, let's get down there."

"If you say so, Eric." Gene shrugged, before walking ahead of me to the elevator, and I followed him.

The elevator took us down to the main floor, and we got out. Gene headed directly towards the mini cafe, meanwhile I walked over to Paul and Bruce, who were standing near the entrance. Bruce saw me, and walked over to me, followed by Paul.

"There you are, Pipsqueak." Bruce chuckled. I gave him a playful glare.

"Hey! I'm not a pipsqueak!" I protested, though I secretly liked the nickname. Shhh, he'll never know.

"Mhm, of course not." He smiled. "Anyway, where's Gene?"

"Went to go get coffee." I replied, before sitting down on a chair. "He'll be here in a minute or so."

"Good. Cause we gotta catch that flight." Paul said, with his arm crossed, and his foot tapping against the floor. I nodded.

We waited in silence, before Gene walked over to us, drinking his cup of coffee.

"Finally!" Paul yelled. "Where were you?"

"I wanted coffee so I got coffee. What's wrong with that?" Gene said, before taking another sip. Paul rolled his eyes, as Bruce and I exchanged glances.

"Nothing's wrong with it, just hurry up. The limo's waiting for us." Paul replied, as he grabbed his bags from the floor.

"Okay fine. Let's go." Gene walked in front of us to the limo, and we followed. We all got in the limo. And with the luggage, we were kind of squished together, and of course I was stuck between the limo door, and Bruce. The driver started driving to the airport.

"Sorry that I'm kinda crushing you, Eric." Bruce chuckled.

"It's okay." I laughed back nervously. "Let me try to..." I tried moving closer to the door, but with a sharp turn, I fell where I originally was, with only me being even more smushed against Bruce, and his elbow digging into my side. "Well that didn't work."

"Are you too cramped?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I think I'll be okay. Can you just move your arm?"

"I'll try..." He moved his arm from my side, but he kinda had no clue where to put it. "Mind if I use your shoulders as an arm rest?"

"Oh uh, sure, if that's comfortable for both of us." I chuckled, my face turning slightly pink as Bruce wrapped his arm around me, which pulled me closer to him. Oh my God...

"Is this better?"

"....yeah." I replied quietly, looking away from him so he couldn't see my face turning red, and looked out window. I was practically laying against him, as I heard him and Paul talking to each other about solos. Although I pretended I didn't mind it, his warm embrace felt pretty nice. Really nice. I could even stay in his embrace for the rest of my life.

I looked away from the window for a second, only to see Gene smirking at me. I glared at him.

'What are you looking at?' I mouthed.

'You cuddling up to Bruce' He mouthed back, stifling a laugh.

'Shut up, the man's comfy.'

'No, I don't think I will.'

I huffed and looked away, back at the window. I wished Bruce liked me the way I liked him...

Radar For Love - Eric Carr x Bruce KulickWhere stories live. Discover now