Chapter 3: Groupies

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As soon as we left the stage, the four of us walked to the dressing room. It was the third to last concert of the tour, and we just finished it. I was gonna miss touring, but there's always next year!

Throughout the tour, my feelings for Bruce somehow seemed to grow even stronger. The more I hung out with him, the more I felt that he was an amazing guy and that... and that I liked him. A lot.

"So what are you guys doing for the concert?" I was snapped out of my thoughts, as Paul asked that question.

"I'm going to go find a groupie." Gene replied. I rolled my eyes. Of course he was... "How about you, Paul?"

"I'm gonna go find my girlfriend. She said she'd be waiting for me outside the arena. So Eric, what are you doing? Gonna go find a groupie with Gene?-"

"No way, no groupies for me. Why would I go to groupies if-" I said, before immediately stopping myself. Fuck. I should have probably mentioned; Paul and Bruce have not clue that I'm gay. And I'm no where near ready to tell them.

Paul and Bruce gave me confused looks.

"Why not?" Paul asked. I felt immediately sick, but I quickly made something up.

"Oh, I'm just tired, y'know? I'm gonna take a long shower too cause the concert has me all sweaty and- yeah- I should probably go do that now- Bye!" I quickly walked out of the dressing room, out of the venue, and all the way to my hotel room across the street, not stopping until I slammed my hotel door closed, locking myself in. I walked over to my bed, before sitting down, and letting out a long sigh. Damnit Eric...

I completely made an idiot out of myself back there. A huge idiot out of myself. I can't believe I almost accidentally came out to them! How could I mess something like that up?! Ugh...

Maybe a shower will take my mind off of it. Yeah, a nice, warm shower won't hurt.

I quickly took off my clothes, and turned the shower on. I waited a few minutes before finally stepping in, sighing as the warm water touched my skin.

I really hope Paul and Bruce weren't suspicious of me. That would end really bad. Terrible actually. I'm just glad that atleast Gene knows, and he's perfectly okay with it. How he found out is a story for another day, but I was lucky that he still liked me for who I was, even with my huge crush on the lead guitarist.

I finished taking a long, hot shower before stepping out. I wiped myself down and spent about ten minutes brushing my hair, before changing into some comfortable clothes. I walked over to my bed and face planted into the covers, wrapping myself in the blankets and trying to fall asleep.

Knock knock


I untangled myself from the blankets, before walking to the door and opening it, to see Bruce. He was out of his costume, and in his regular outfit, which today consisted of a blue hoodie, a white shirt underneath and a pair of black pants, which he looked really cute in- but that's not important right now.

I felt my heart immediately start to race. Does he know? Oh no what if he knows?

"Hey... are you alright?" He asked. "You kinda flipped out for no reason and ran out of the dressing room."

"Oh- I... Uh.." I had no idea what to say. What could I even say?

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay, y'know?" He said, staring into my eyes, as I stared back at his. He was so kind... no wonder why I liked him so much.

"Oh yeah, yeah I get it. I'm good but thanks for asking." I replied, before quickly hugging him, pressing my cheek to his shoulder, which was really soft and comfy from his hoodie. He gasped, before chuckling.

"Aww, Eric... of course, you're my best friend." That sentence was a painful reminder that we'd be nothing more. But atleast Bruce was my friend.

"You're my best friend too." I said, and he was. I just wanted him to be more than my best friend. We both sat down on my bed. There was a moment of silence, before,

"Now, do you wanna tell me what's bothering you? You seemed nervous when Paul brought up groupies." Bruce asked. I felt my body tense up. Okay I have to come up with a lie quick.. or wait.

"I... Well.. I just... Groupies aren't for me anymore." I hated lying, however I was telling the truth. I just hope he doesn't ask-

"Why? Something change?" Fuck.


"You wanna find someone special?" He asked. I quickly nodded. Okay, I can roll with that. And I'm not lying either! Good job Eric... Well it was Bruce's idea- but hey!

"Yeah. Groupies just.. Aren't fun anymore." That wasn't a lie either. When I joined the band, of course I'd take people back to my room, but ever since I realized I liked Bruce... it just wasn't fun anymore.

"I get that. I'm getting tired of groupies too. I just wanna find someone special to really love." Bruce agreed.

"So do I." I sighed. And the someone that I want is you, Bruce...

"Anyway, do you wanna hang out tomorrow after the concert? We can go to the bar or something." Going to the bar with Bruce? Like a date? No, it can't be a date... It's just you and Bruce being good pals.

"Hey, that's a good idea. I'd like that."

"Okay, cool. We haven't hung out in a while, I can't wait." He smiled, ruffling my hair. I smiled back at him, feeling my heart skip a few beats.

"I can't wait to hang out with you too."

Radar For Love - Eric Carr x Bruce KulickWhere stories live. Discover now