Chapter 5: Ouch

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"Mm Eric, maybe we- should.. like go to your hot-hotel room. So we can sleeep and stuff."

"Good idea B-Bruce.. I'm tired." I yawned loudly, which caused people to glare at me. I shrugged, giggling, as Bruce giggled too.

We stumbled all the way back to the hotel, and to my hotel room. We both sat down on the bed, rather, fell on the bed. And, all the sudden I had a weird urge to sit on Bruce's lap. And for some reason I did just that. He smirked at me, as I crawled onto his lap, and I pressed my face against his chest.

"W-What's are you tryin to do.. Cutie?" He asked, running a hand through my hair.

"I'm not shure." I replied, giggling. He pulled me closer, and suddenly pressed his lips against mine. Hey.. this feels pretty nice, besides the fact that his breath smelled of alcohal. "Bruce Do you- wanna be like... y'know, do schtuff?"

"What k-kinda stuff?"

"Schtuff." I said.

"Ohh, like sexshey stuff?" He asked, slurring his words. I nodded quickly.

"Mhm." I mumbled as my hands started unbuttoning his shirt. He chuckled.

"Oh, ok, that stuff. I canlike, do thatstuff."

"Yeah I hope so..." I mumbled, before kissing his lips again. He groaned, before grabbing me by my shirt and ripping it, exposing my chest. I gasped, before glaring at him.

"That was my favorite... favorite shirt you.. Meanie!"

"Mmm, and? You look.. You look better wischout one." He purred, tucking some of my hair behind my ear before pulling me on top of him and underneath the covers...


I woke up with a terrible headache, and practically every single part of my body was killing me. Ouch... What the hell happened to me last night? And that was such a weird dream.. Really weird.

I looked down, and noticed I was shirtless. I usually sleep with my shirt on, but I guess I took it off while I was drunk. Gee, I have no idea where Bruce is. I hope he got back to his hotel room okay.

"Now where is my shirt?..." I looked on the floor, and hey! There it was! I smiled, as I leaned over and grabbed it, and put it on- huh?

Why is it ripped down the middle of the front?- wait a minute. I looked next to me on the bed, to see a shirtless man sleeping next to me, who looked exactly like Bruce.

Oh no. My dream wasn't a dream. It was last night's events.

I heard him groan, before he rolled into his back, and stretched his arms.

"What the fuck happened?" He mumbled, before getting up and opening his eyes. "I feel like I've been hit by a- Eric?"

"Hey..." I looked at him, my face now turned completely red. He shot up in bed, staring at me.

"Why are you shirtless and in my bed?" He asked.

"We're in my hotel room. But what did we do?!" I obviously knew what probably happened, but I wanted to see if he remembered anything.

"I don't know that's why I'm asking you!" He snapped suddenly, getting out of bed while holding the blanket to cover himself. I flinched, before looking down.

"Well...we are both naked, so I'm guessing we did... that..." I mumbled. His eyes widened, before he just shook his head and started grabbing his clothes from the floor and putting them on. I felt my heart slowly start to break.

"I can't believe we did this... but it's okay. We can pretend this never happened." My eyes widened. He just wants to forget about it?!

"Bruce I-"

"No. This never ever happened, okay?"

"But shouldn't we talk about it?-" I tried asking, but he interrupted me.

"Talk about what? Nothing happened." Bruce finished putting on his clothes, before walking out of my hotel room and slamming the door. I sat in my bed, in complete shock, before the realization hit that this meant nothing to Bruce. Tears welled up in my eyes.

And I let them fall.


Radar For Love - Eric Carr x Bruce KulickWhere stories live. Discover now