Chapter 4: Drink

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After the concert, I quickly walked with Bruce to the elevator. It took us up to our floor, and we stepped out. Today was the day we were gonna go out for drinks together, just him and I...

"So, should we take showers first before we go? I'm all sweaty and gross." I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go wash up. Meet me on the main floor, okay Fox?" I smiled at the nickname. I love the nicknames he gives me...

"Yeah, okay. See you there, Bruce!"

"Bye Eric!" He waved, before walking to his hotel room, as I walked over to mine. I quickly took off all my clothes, before hopping in the shower.

"Mm, a nice date night with Bruce... Eric no it's not a date. Then again it kinda does feel like a date..." I said to myself, as I washed my hair. "Maybe I can pretend it's a date in my head, then everyone wins, yeah. Mhm, date night with Bruce. Nice, sweet, date night with Brucie."

I finished taking my shower after a few minutes and quickly dried off, before looking through my suit case of clothes, deciding on what to wear.

"Hmm... maybe I should just go with a shirt and jeans." I mumbled, changing into it. I looked at myself in the mirror, smiling. "Okay, this looks nice."

Now I had to meet Bruce. I walked out of my hotel room, and to the elevator. Gene and a few people were talking right near the elevator, and he noticed me. He quickly moved out from the group and walked over to me.

"Hey Eric, whatcha doing?"

"Oh nothing, just getting a few drinks with Bruce." I said casually, pressing the elevator button. He smirked.

"Ooh, is it a-"

"No, it's not a date." I chuckled. "Though I wish it was... anyway I gotta go. He's probably waiting for me."

"Okay, bye Eric. Have a fun time with Brucie." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes, before getting in the elevator and taking it down to the main floor. As soon as the doors opened, I could see Bruce waiting for me, and he made eye contact with me.

"There you are, Pipsqueak." He smiled his handsome smile that I could just die for- "C'mon, let's go before the bar gets packed."

"Okay, sure." I smiled back. We walked across the street from the hotel, all the way to the bar. We walked over and sat on two stools, and the bar tender went up to us.

"What can I you two?"

"Hm, I'm actually not sure..." I shrugged. Bruce looked at me.

"Wanna share a bottle of vodka?" He asked.

"Mm, sure, what can go wrong with vodka?" I replied. Yeah... a lot can go wrong with vodka. The bartender nodded, before taking out a whole bottle, with two shot glasses. I poured myself a shot, before giving the bottle to Bruce, and he poured himself a shot.

"Cheers to a great concert?"

"Cheers." Bruce tapped his shot glass against mine, before drinking his shot, as I drank mine. I winced as the burning liquid poured down my throat. Fuck, this stuff was strong. Bruce chuckled at my facial expression.

"Aww, is it too strong for you, Eric?"

"What? No... is it too strong for you?" I shot back, chuckling. Bruce shook his head.

"Nope. Hm, if you're so confident, maybe we should see who can drink more." He said, pouring himself and I another shot.

"Oh, it's on, Kulick." I smirked. He smirked right back at me, before drinking his shot and pouring himself another. I quickly grabbed the bottle and poured another for myself, and drinking it. We kept drinking shots until the bottle was completely empty, and we both got really drunk, and I blacked out.

Radar For Love - Eric Carr x Bruce KulickWhere stories live. Discover now