Chapter 12

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(Sweetpea's P.O.V)

Fangs and I are joking with each other as we wait for Toni and Jughead. I was honestly so thankful for my friends and Fangs is like my first ever friend. After a couple more minuets of waiting I see Toni and Jughead coming out talking to each other. I watch as Jughead smiles at something Toni says. He has a very beautiful smile. Which of course I only notice because I was happy that Toni made him smile. They came over and joined Fangs and I before we started walking.

"How were your classes guys?" Fangs asks Toni and Jughead.

"It was awful, the history teacher is so bad." Toni says.

"Omg, I know M.R Dojee is so annoying." Fangs says.

I look over to Jughead who is just walking and listening. I admire that about him, he doesn't have to talk all the time and can enjoy the silence. Toni and Fangs are still ranting on about M.R Dojee so I decide to interrupt them so that Jughead could answer Fangs' question.

"So, Jughead you never answered Fangs' question." I say.

"Oh yeah sorry about that, how were your classes?" Fangs asks turning his attention to Jughead.

I see Jughead shift awkwardly because of the sudden attention on him but he soon composes himself again.

"It was really good, I had English which was fun." he says confidently.

"Only you would think so," Toni says jokingly.

She playfully shoves him and notice him flinch. I send him a worried glance and he just met my gaze and smiled. I watch Jughead go back to listening to Fangs as he speaks. I would be listening to him as well if I wasn't busy thinking about lunch and how he answered Toni. I don't think he was lying to me because he sounded really genuine but he is closer with Toni, I don't know what to think about it.

"Hello, earth to Sweetpea!" Fangs says lightly shoving me.

"What!" I say slightly annoyed.

"Geesh, calm down" he says chuckling.

"We are deciding what we are having before we get there."

"well, I'll decide when we get there" I say.

I see Jughead chuckle slightly at my response which made me smile internally.

"Fine suit yourself," he says turning towards Jughead to talk to him.

I try to listen but Toni switches places with fangs and starts talking to me.

"What's going on Sweetpea?" she asks quietly.

"Nothing, why?" I ask.

"Well, you've been missing school days and spacing out all the time"

"It's nothing Toni, I said I was fine" I say louder then I meant too.

Fangs and Jughead stop talking and look my way.

"everything ok?" Fangs asks.

"Yeah everything is fine, thanks for asking" I say sending him a look that said I didn't want to get into it.

Fangs nods his head understanding me perfectly. Toni sends me a apologetic look and I smile back letting her know I wasn't upset with her. I glance at Jughead who is just standing there waiting for us to continue. He looks up and meets my gaze sending a small but encouraging and calming smile. I smile back at him and we resume walking again.

After a couple more minuets of walking we reached Pop's. We all sit down at a booth and I look at the menu.

"Hey Jughead," Pop Tate says.

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