Chapter 14

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(Jughead's P.O.V)

I get up early so that I have enough time to get to school and not be late. My side is hurting so badly this morning. I had the hardest time acting fine in front of Pop's last night. I didn't know what to think about Archie anymore, I mean what he says hurts but I guess I deserve it along with the beatings. What I couldn't bring myself to get over was the fact that he cheated on me. I want to talk to Sweetpea to make sure he was ok after my flare up at him. After grabbing my things and an apple for breakfast I start my walk towards school.

I arrive at school and see Sweetpea with Fangs and Toni. I smile as they joke with each other. I think about heading over there but Archie's words ring in my head.

"Nobody wants you, you fuck everything up"

I shake the the voices in my head away and decide to go to class instead. I will talk to Sweetpea when he isn't with his friends so I don't fuck up their friend group.

I sit down at the the back of the class, as usual and watch as the other students stream into class. I see Sweetpea stride confidently into the classroom. He looks around the room as if he were looking for someone and as his eyes meet mine he stops looking around the room. He shoots me a worried look and I smile hopefully show him that I wasn't mad at him for the other night when I got upset. He smiles quickly before sitting down and before the teacher enters the room I get up and sit next to him. He looks at me shock evident on his face and honestly I was shocked by what I did to, I would never change seats especially closer to the front.

"Hi," I say awkwardly.

"Hey, how are you" he asks casually.

"I've been better, how are you?" I state not totally sure why I'm telling him the truth of how I am.

"I'm actually really good."

"Why aren't you doing well?" he asks.

He seemed genuine when he asked but I'm not sure I'm ready to tell him.

"It doesn't matter, why are you so good?" I ask.

He smiles kindly at me before answering my question "I just had a great day yesterday and this morning has been pretty good so far."

"I am glad you had such a great day" I say not being able to lose the smile on my face.

Before Sweetpea can say anything else the teacher walks in and quiets all of us. Throughout the class Sweetpea would whisper to me about random things and I enjoyed it a lot.

After class Sweetpea walks me to my next class and when I am there he leaves to head to his class. I sit down in my seat and smile. Sweetpea is such a great person to be around. I hated that I was hindering myself due to Archie's words. However his words make a lot of sense, I mess so much up.

After my second class I head to the cafeteria, I scan the room for a table and see Toni and Fangs sitting together most likely waiting for Sweetpea. I sit at an empty table because I don't want to bother them. My side is burning and I don't have anything to ease the pain. I jump and spin around when I feel a hand on my shoulder, I wince slightly. I see Sweetpea standing there.

"Sorry for scary you," he says.

I don't understand why he is always apologizing it was usually always my fault.

"It's ok, I'm just a jumpy person" I state taking the blame as usual.

"Well it is kinda hard not to jump when you aren't expecting someone," he states seriously.

"Uhm, ok. What's up?" I ask getting slightly awkward again and honestly it is a little annoying.

"I wanted to see if I can sit with you?"

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