Chapter 9

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(Jughead's P.O.V)

          "Yeah I've been meaning to talk to you about the night at the bar." Sweetpea says. 

I stiffen altering my entire persona, knowing that I am going to have to cover fo my dad again. I was slightly agitated because he had no right to bring up something personal after he just apologized, Now apparently we are close enough for that. Even though I am agitated by what he is doing I am not mad at him which is weird. I shift my attention back to Sweetpea ready to cover for my dad. 

"Well what would you like to talk about?" I state confidently.

He looks slightly taken back by my calm and confident tone but seems to refocus. 

"There are two things, the first is how come your dad hit you?" he asks in a soft yet serious tone.

Before answering I quickly think about that night recalling if I said anything. 

"I already told you, he was just mad and the alcohol heightened it." I state perfectly confident in my answer. 

Sweetpea sits there obviously contemplating what I just said. I really wish I was able to read minds right about now because the silence was uncomfortable. 

"Ok," he says.

Ok! how was I supposed to respond to that plus that answer didn't really help me decipher whether or not he believed me or not. 

"Great, second question?" I state more annoyed than I meant too. 

"Well, I wanted to see what had upset when you were walking out?" he asks seemingly cautious. 

My mind collapses on me. I didn't know what to say. I start replaying what my dad had said to me about my mother and sister. I keep my emotions in check because Sweetpea was still here. 

"It doesn't matter. you should go." I state plainly. 

"Wait I..." he starts.

"I said leave," I say cutting him off. 

He seems reluctant to leave but a couple of seconds of us staying there silent, he knew I wanted him gone. He gets up and leaves, and as soon as he leave I break down in tears. 

(Sweetpea's P.O.V)

I left Jughead's trailer annoyed that I upset him. I mean I don't actually care about him or anything it's just that I just apologized yesterday. I am also annoyed because I lost my opportunity to keep my mind off things. I guess it worked a little though because by him not telling me what happened it makes think about it. Not that I give a shit it's just, you know... uhm.. he is a human being. I know that I should go home and talk to my parents about what happened but honestly I just want to keep my mind off of what happened. So, instead of going home I shall go to the bar. 

I arrive at the bar and start drinking right away. I start playing pool with some other people. As I'm playing pool I see James and Lisa walk into the bar. "Fuck." Apparently I hadn't said that in my head because a couple people turned to look at me. I ignore them trying to make sure my biological parents didn't see me. It would have worked if I hadn't ordered another beer, because the bartender yelled out my name. James and Lisa turned to look at me, I glare back at them. James whispers something into Lisa's hear and she disappears in the crowd, probably to do something evil. James comes over to me. 

"Hello Sweetpea," he says flatly.

"What the fuck do you want?" I state aggressively.

"Well I was coming over because I knew that you would be kind enough to buy my wife and I a drink," he states smirking at me. 

"Like hell I would," I state louder then I meant too.

"Oh really, you sure about that? I know some very great social workers," he says. 

I sigh inwardly knowing he has won. I nod my head and follow him to the bar where Lisa was waiting. They order and as I'm about to pay Lisa stops me. 

"You wouldn't mind paying for a coke for my son as well? she says. 

I am shocked by what she said but sure enough a young boy came over to Lisa. I feel a sharp pain go through my body. I put fifty dollars on the counter saying it should be enough as I walk out of the bar. I stand outside getting my emotions under control. I start walking to try and deal with everything. I don't realize where I'm going until I'm standing outside. 


Hello everyone!! I hope all is well with everyone. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always feel free to comment or vote. Well I hope you all have a spectacular day. I will see you the next time.

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