First day of school

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You couldn't hardly sleep with what had happened that night you decided to just watch YouTube til morning you see that it's already 5:30 am " maybe I can take a shower and blow dry my hair since I have enough time " you hop out of bed and take a shower
6:30 am-
Time to do some makeup sienna has been teaching me how to do eyeliner so maybe I can try it I have enough time anyways you put on eyeliner and you do it exactly how sienna taught you. You take a pic and send it to sienna "SIENNA I DID EYELINER AND I ACTUALLY GOT IT RIGHT THIS TIME " you send it and do your hair you decide to go with this pic you found online

 You take a pic and send it to sienna "SIENNA I DID EYELINER AND I ACTUALLY GOT IT RIGHT THIS TIME " you send it and do your hair you decide to go with this pic you found online

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You look up how to do this look.
"Woah I think I finally realized how to do it I never thought it would be this complicated but it was worth it " you put on some cute clothes

You take a pic " hey sienna is this too much ? If so be extra with me please, I don't want to over dress alone 🤪" You make your way down stairs to greet your mom and say good morning to your brothers " Mylie do you need breakfast?" Your mother as...

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You take a pic " hey sienna is this too much ? If so be extra with me please, I don't want to over dress alone 🤪"
You make your way down stairs to greet your mom and say good morning to your brothers " Mylie do you need breakfast?" Your mother asks you "no thank you mother I'm going to breakfast with my friends " you walk out the door and see Toby in his car waiting for you, you walk out and make your way to his car he gets out and opens the door for you " ma lady "
You smile at him and giggle a bit and hop in the car you both don't say much on the way to school. You get to school to see sienna and tommy standing there waiting for you two you jump out and hug sienna you whisper to her "did you tell them about last night ?" You ask she shakes her head no you smile at her you each go to your classes and meet all the teachers everything and everyone seems normal til you see him. Harry standing in the hall way next to your locker that you picked did he pick his locker right next to you? How would he have known ? You just walk past him without even talking or locking eyes with him. you head to lunch Bc you already finished english and history class. You and your friends decide to stay at school for lunch instead of leaving and jsut calling Uber eats to come drop it off. "Hey tommy when is the food gonna be here soon ?" Toby asked "3 minutes " said tommy.
you sit up and grab siennas hand "let's go wait in the front for the food would you want to sienna? We can pick it up for everyone " sienna looks at you "yeah sure " she grabs Tommy's phone and leaves her you guys walk down the hallway where math and science is no one is down there til a man walks out of one of the class rooms you stare and see it's baldi "hey you two what are you guys doing I thought you guys were supposed to be at lunch " he asks you look at sienna and hide behind her " sorry sir we were heading to the front of the school to pick up the food we ordered from Uber eats " sienna replies
He looks at you while you hold siennas hand
"Mylie? Is it ? " he stares at you sienna is confused and she looks at you " yes it's Mylie I think we met before yesterday was it ? " you replied he smiles at you " yes we did how are you doing after what happened with that guy? Seems like you had a hard time sleeping last night you look tired." He smiles at you. You just smile at him Bc that's all you can do was he the one who did that stuff to me last night he couldn't have he's my teacher not a stalker he's just a. Little weird before you can say anything sienna looks at him and holds your hand tight " we should get on our way the food will be here any minute I don't want another kid to grab it or steal it from us" you smile at her. "Yeah I'm sorry for holding you two up have a good lunch " he smiles at sienna creepily sienna grabs you and walks past him you look back at him while she holds on to your hand to see him smiling and staring at you.

You make your way to the front of the yard and picks up the food " let's go a different way back. That guy gives the creeps! how would he have known you had a hard time sleeping after what happened last night, maybe he's the one doing all this shit " sienna says angrily, you smile at her " sienna it's okay I'll be okay I think he's just weird but I don't think he's a bad guy I mean so what even if he is the one staring at me at least it's someone cute "
Sienna stares at you " I swear you need to STOP SIMPING FOR THESE GUYS" she tackled you to the ground and starts to tickle you and you both start giggling and laughing you both just lay in the grass staring at the clouds and you both just look at each other and smile "WAIT SHIT WE NEED TO GET BACK AND GIVE THEM THE FOOD OR WELL DIE " you yell sienna grabs the food and you both start fast walking towards the back of the school where you all have lunch you all have lunch and have a fun time

You head to your last class which is math
you don't have any friends in math. Which makes it SUCK.
You walk into the class to see that you're late since you had to use the bathroom everyone stares at you including Harry you realize you're sitting next to Harry as if this could've of gone worse you sit down and baldi stares at you he walks over to you and whispers in your ear " would you want me to move seats for you." You look at him even tho he's so close it seems like you're about to kiss but then you realized you in front of everyone you nodded your head yes he sits back up and asks everyone to stand up you all stand up and he asks " Harry and Anna to change seats " Harry stares at you and smiles " mr baldi why do I have to change seats with Anna is there an issue with me sitting next to a female ?" He asks baldi turns around at Harry and says " no Harry there is nothing wrong with you sitting next to a female -" while speaking Harry interrupts him "then why is it an issue sir " he asks baldi walks up to him "personally I don't think she would want to sit next to her ex boyfriend that cheated on her. I don't want my female students uncomfortable. Or anyone to be uncomfortable " he whispers to Harry but still some people can hear. Baldi sits up and says " if you feel uncomfortable or anything in this classroom you can talk to me privately" you all sit down
Harry stares at you almost all of class.
Same with baldi you feel like all you can do is just sit there and listen. You start to write down notes of what he was teaching baldi starts to seem really interested in it "Mylie what are you writing down may I ask?" You look at him "um I'm just writing some notes down." You reply you turn red he walks over to you and looks at your paper "wow good writing Mylie I'm proud of you there are still some things that you can add see me after class okay" he smiles you smile at him "is anyone else taking notes ? " he asks everyone starts showing him their notes " okay class this is the end of the first day this is your homework I want you to finish this by the end of the week to do it don't worry about doing it today jsut take your time on it and if you need help email me and we can talk about it alright?" Everyone smiles and nods and everyone gets up Harry walks over to you " did you fucking tell everyone that I cheated on you ? " "you're so fucking needy for attention " you start to tear up baldi sees you and walks over "is there an issue over here " he says Harry says " look your hero came over to save you, you can never stand up for yourself!" He walks away baldi tries to follow Harry but you grab his arm "it's okay he's just a dick , I'm sorry for my language " he walks to the door and closes it "are you okay I saw you tearing up and - " before he can finish you start to cry he walks over and hugs you " I know this is weird but if we were out of school I would give you a hug why can't I in here."you hug him back "thanks for everything "
He lets go and grabs your notes " and these. These are wrong I'm sorry " he starts laughing you look at them and " WHAT no I swear I got them right "
you say while laughing you hand them back " I guess they aren't useful " he walks up closer and hands you a note " you can call me anytime and let me know a good day if you want to come over and study and I can write out notes and everything for you okay? "
You smile at him and nod your head and you grab you bag and head to the door "thanks mr baldi" and you walk out and head home


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