The week before  senior year

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Okay so I started this as a joke but then got into it it gets better I promise!!! And the grammar gets better too later on lol

Mylie POV ;
I wake up to the noise of my brothers fighting. I get up and check my phone to see if Harry texted me good morning you send your streaks to your friends and harry ( your boyfriend ) you text him asking him if he's okay you start to worry you think to yourself "he always texts me in the morning did I do something to upset him" you let it go for now knowing you'll see him later you take a long warm shower and brush your teeth and you go down stairs to say bye to your mother since you're going out shopping with one of your friends.
Mylies mom POV ;
Mylie seems a bit upset this morning did something happen ? You try and cheer her up with a hug and some coffee but she says she's late you say goodbye to her and you start to think to yourself how much she's grown and how beautiful she is you smile :)
Back to Mylies POV ; I walk out the door to see your friend Toby smiling at you with his car door open telling you to get in you get inside and you guys start talking about life and plans for the school year then he asks about Harry you totally forgot about what happened and how he just ignored you. You just look away from Toby he realizes he brought up something he shouldn't have "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring that up I thought you two were doing good did you guys break up ?" You look at him "we didn't break up he just didn't text me good morning this morning and when I asked him he just left me on read, so idk what that means "  Toby stops the car grabs you looks at you dead in the eye " don't feel bad about it if harry isn't giving you the time of day like he used to then fuck him you're wonderful and if he doesn't see that then he's the one who should feel bad " you look at him and smile " thank you Toby you always know how to make me feel good about myself can we go to the mall it's just over there " Toby looks at you and smiles " we can go do whatever you want today "
Tobys POV ; I was so mad about Harry he thinks he can just treat her like that and get away with it ! It should have been me with Mylie that night instead of Harry he took advantage of her when she was weak she doesn't even realize it. I've always been the one who's been there for her yet she goes for a duDe like Harry who just is a bitch and all he cares about is himself  "TOBY" Mylie screams Toby wakes up from his day dream in rage and realizes he almost hit a car he spins the wheel to other way and missed the car "holy shit Toby where were you for a second watch the road you could have killed us ! "  he looks at Mylie " I'm so sorry Mylie I started day dreaming and I was upset it won't happen again "
Mylies POV ; I can tell when he's really sorry I grab his hand " Toby don't worry about it you can talk to me about anything I'm here for you like you've always been for me " Toby blushes) Mylie lets go and looks out the window
The mall
Toby and I make it to the mall and we park and walk inside the mall to see sienna and tommy together sienna and Mylie run up to each other and hug and then tommy makes a joke " now we're third wheeling you two " sienna slaps tommy on his arm and giggles at him he holds her hand and shakes with his other hand tobys hand sienna says "tommy this is Toby and Mylie you know Mylie and this is her friend Toby " "nice to meet you Toby " "nice to meet you too " Mylies smiles at sienna " sienna and I are going to a woman's clothing store you boys get to know each other while Mylie grabs my hand from tommy
and pulls me away tommy looks at me and says "good luck sienna " tommy and Toby start to talk and hang out 
Sienna POV
"Hey Mylie I know you don't like tommy very much but- "
" I like tommy I just needed to talk to you in private "
"What's up did something happen " "I think Harry is cheating on me he's been ignoring me lately and just been distant "  I look at Mylie "I thought you guys broke up tho? That's what I thought since he posted on his story last night " Mylie looks at you confused "what story and we've never broken up " "tommy I guess is on his private story and he said that there was some girl on there that wasn't you I took a pic of it " I could see Mylie start to tear up I grab her and hug her "I'm so sorry I thought that's why you been needing time to yourself " -sienna "can I see the picture of the girl " "sure"

 I've always been the one who's been there for her yet she goes for a duDe like Harry who just is a bitch and all he cares about is himself  "TOBY" Mylie screams Toby wakes up from his day dream in rage and realizes he almost hit a car he spins th...

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"Mylie " "are you okay " Mylie in tears in the dressing room I can see her face turning bright red and her eyes puffing up from crying.
Mylies POV ;
I feel so mad and stupid why could he do this to me he was with another girl last night when he told me he was sick I feel so stupid for thinking he cared about me I look at sienna to see that she's also crying while texting tommy about what happened I start trying to stop the tears sienna then grabs me and hugs me tight "sienna I feel so dumb for - " " I know how you feel mylie you feel rage and you feel sad and stupid for thinking he cared Mylie you deserve so much better you are wonderful don't let a man o
Run you over like that " I let go of her and will away my tears and pull myself together "are you ready to go meet Toby and tommy ?" Sienna asks "yes does Toby know , he's probably so mad " -Mylie "he does know he's very upset he wants to see you now to make sure you're okay "you smile at her and walk out of the dressing room and buy the clothes you were getting and walking out you see Harry  looking for you(remember when I told you that  you two had plans well it was supposed to be Harry that picked you up to meet sienna and tommy )
I'll be coming out with part two soon!

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