Back to school

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HEY before we start this I'm sorry I haven't been posting and also sorry for all the grammar mess ups in past chapters 😭 this one will be better maybe Lol SO LETS START ..

I haven't gone to school for a few days, I just couldn't.
After what happened with baldi I just couldn't stand to see him.
you get a text from sienna~
" Hey! Are you coming today ? I'm kinda getting worried you haven't been answering me. Let me know❤️"
You sigh.
maybe I should go today? You decide to text sienna back
"Hey, I'm sorry I've just been feeling down with everything and needed a few days to myself. I think I'll be there today"
You reply,
There, now I'm kinda forced to go now, You quickly schedule an Uber for 7 AM. You decide to head down stairs and get some food, you eat quickly then you head up back up the stairs and grab your books and everything else you need for school.

You hop out of the Uber and get greeted by toby,Sienna, and obviously Tommy.
" Hey!! " sienna says while running up to you and grabbing you into the tight hug,
"Hey sienna it's only been a few days " You reply.
Sienna let's go of me while the bell rings,
"Hey it's time for us to go now, me and sienna have garden duty today we'll see you guys later. " Tommy says,
Sienna waves while walking away holding Tommy's hand,
"Well it's just us now " toby says, You both lock eyes and go in for a hug,
" don't just disappear like that again okay? Promise "
He whispers in your ear
" I won't I promise "
You reply as he lets go, you both start walking to your classes

It's the end of the day you've got through all this now it's time for the worst part. Math class.

You rush over just in time b4 the bell rings again

You walk in and lock eyes with baldi. And you quickly turn your eyes on your desk and sit down. You keep staring at the clock counting the minutes til you can leave,
You just sit there trying not to pay any attention to baldi until- " MYLIE can you be so helpful to answer number 5 " baldi says
"Uh 39? " you reply
He walks over to you and bends down and whispers in your ear "incorrect " as he slips a note into your desk, he stands back up and walks back to his desk " now does anyone else have a guess b4 I tell the right answer? " he asks.
You open the note,
" Mylie see me after class we need to talk about this or at least unblock me I'm not going to let this go she's not who you think she is. "
You start to cry but you stop yourself b4 anyone can tell.
10 more minutes of this. Of him just staring at me why, why was I so stupid.
You stand up, " mr baldi I need to go use the restroom " you start making your way to the door and pull out the note and rip it up in front of him and throw it away. " yes you may go use the restroom but what was that. That you ripped up " he asks "Oh sir it was just some trash, " you grab the bathroom pass and leave.

Baldi looks in the trash to see that it was his note.
"Class I think we're gonna end class early today, don't forget to hand in your essay tomorrow after school"

Everyone gets up and leaves ~

10 minutes later
Should I leave the bathroom now it's almost time to leave, I better go before everyone leaves so I'm not alone.

You walk into the classroom to see no one there.
"Where is - "
You decide to run over to get your stuff b4 baldi comes back.
You put all your books into your bag, you zip up your bag and put it on your back,
You turn around to head to the door to hear
You quickly realize you aren't alone anymore you slowly turn around to see baldi standing there in the door way.
"Don't come near me." You yell, "Mylie stop yelling can we please talk about this." He says.
He walks towards you, you start walking back.
He leans on you up against the wall,
"Mylie the woman was -" before he can say anything else you kick him in the money spot and run off, " MYLIE COME BACK HERE " you try opening the door but it's locked, you quickly try to unlock it and then you realize there's a second lock that you can't reach. " fuck" you whisper
He walks up to you and hugs you tightly, you try to escape but you can't fight back " LET GO OF ME " you yell, he covers your mouth " if I let you go meet me at my house at 9 pm tonight okay? " he asks
You shake your head yes just so he will let you go, he lets go of you but is still holds your arm tight while pulling you to the door and unlocking it "ow you're hurting me pls stop " you cry to him " he looks at you " will you be good then. ? " he replies " maybe if you weren't with her than I wouldn't be acting like this" you say with firm tone.
He just looks at you
"I'm sorry okay, it's not like that she's my ex wife and we ran into each other " he says
" ran into each other ?" You smirk Sarcastically.
" I was there cause I followed you to the park I saw you with a guy and I didn't want you getting hurt" he says while looking down at you
You pull away from him and grab your bag
"Don't ever follow me again. Whatever was happening between us is over. " you say while opening the door, " are we still on for tonight ? " he asks " we'll see. " you reply while walking out of the classroom.

You run outside of the school and you decide to go for a walk since you need to calm down and take in what just happened. You walk to a near by forest to see ?? HARRY AND TOBY?? What are they talking about - FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER

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