Demons of the past (ENG)

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The most beautiful stories, always start with a wreckage.

- Jack London

Keep running. Just run. Otherwise, they're going to catch up. And that can not happen. It won't be a tea party if they do, I can tell you that much. I made mistakes. Horrible mistakes. But unfortunately, I can't change the past. I can't change what happened. Why can't I change what happened damnit. I want to. I want to change it so bad. But what happened, has happened.


I'm starting to get out of breath. Maybe I should slow down? My adrenaline is running low. No I can't. I have to keep going. I can't stop now. I don't know if they're looking for me right now or not. But they probably are.

Thoughts are starting to run through my head. Voices, who remind me of what happens. Which make me worry about everything in my life. My past, my present and my future. Voices who will keep me up for nights and nights to come. But right now, I'm just running here. Through the woods. They are looking less and less dark, and more and more welcoming.

And I just remember that night. Sitting in the grass. Wanting to run but being too scared. Seeing his shadow, fall over my shoulder. I wanted to scream. I wanted to hit him. I wanted to take his gun and kill him. But I didn't. I just sat there. Crying. Waiting for that damned gunshot. And then, I heard it. But it wasn't for me. It was for him. I saw my moment and ran. Never looking back. But I didn't have a plan. I just ran.

I don't know who fired the gun. I just know that it was the police who shot him. I got a second chance. And I took it. And I'm so glad that I did. But now, I will have to find a way to get out of this mess. If they catch me, I'm dead. Or at least I'm going to rot away in prison. So I have to keep running. Stopping is not an option.

I just pray to god that they killed him. If they didn't, then the whole story changes. He probably will Tell them everything. Then, I can never go back to the civilized world. But then again. I can't know if he is dead or not if I don't go back to society.

I start to think about what I'm going to do. I know that this forest is big. I'm not sure if I want to stay here, but it will do so for now. I have to make a shelter or something. I have to find something. A tree. I don't know. I'm cold, my clothes are wet, and I'm tired. I just want to sleep in a bed next to a fire. But I can't do that. It will make too much noise. It can be seen from the sky. If they're looking for me with a helicopter I will be found. Also, all the wood is wet. Everything is. So, it's not going to be easy to do even if I wanted to.

The world is waking up. The chirping crickets turn into chirping birds. The flowers are waking up again and opening to reveal the beautiful colors that are inside of them. The light is coming back. The rainy clouds are moving away. And the demons that got released into the night, are going away again. Just for the day, the shadows of the night are at ease, calm, and quiet.

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